
Glad to see Jerome Corsi here on a real alternative video distribution platform for free speech! More alt-media content creators need to move over and delete their youtube accounts or just point people here. Let's kill youtube and make crypto based distributed video based platforms the norm for social media related video and alternative news channels. Infowars? PJW? BPEarthWatch? SecureTeam10? etc?

So here's the narrative: Shooter takes an Uber with full body armor, including helmet w/mask, Uber driver notices nothing unusual.He was equipped w/ as the teacher describes a rifle she had never seen before (perhaps a bullpup style?) shooting down the hall no less than 20ft from her as she allowed students to go back into classroom. Even if he had it in a bag and gun case it would be in at least 2 cases or 1 large bag. Much like the one the 4 officers are seen carrying out and placing into an unmarked white pickup. The question is why did the 4 officers stand down while the shooting was in progress? Who were the 4 officers on tape carrying what appears to be a large "gear" bag and placing it in the back of the unmarked pickup? Who drove the unmarked pickup and to what jurisdiction is it registered? How did the young, and at the time of arrest disoriented, shooter get out of the school, out of the parameter of officers to get to a McD's for a burger which he casually ate. MK Ultra is not just to program "marks" to commit crime but is also use to cause confusion and dis orientation in their programmies so as to make them accept the fate that they are arrested for as they will have no recollection. This is an MK Ultra kid primarily through Pharmakia. Look at the connections of the family who he was living with at the time. This has the filthy hands of Clowns all over it.