Police Arrest Custodian at Mapolsek Maro Sebo

in #news7 years ago

Members of the police station in front of Maro Sebo Police Section pascapererangan by unknown people (OTK) using a sharp weapon in Muaro Jambi, Jambi, May 22, 2018.

Police arrested the perpetrators of the attack on Sector Police Headquarters Maro Sebo, Jambi Kecil Village, Muaro Jambi Regency, Tuesday afternoon, May 22, 2018. Head of Public Information Bureau Police Headquarters Brigadier General M. Iqbal confirmed there was an attack on Maro Sebo Police.

However Iqbal did not explain the number of perpetrators who were arrested. "It is true that the attack, the culprit has been arrested," said Iqbal.

Earlier at 14:40 there had been an attack by two unknown persons in Mepolsek Maro Sebo, Jambi. Using a machete, the perpetrator injured two police personnel who were in the picket room.

As a result of the attack, Brigadier Chief Sangab and Ajun Inspector Manalu suffered stab wounds in the back, head, and neck. After hacking the two policemen, the perpetrator fled to the Muaro Jambi Temple.

Director of Intelligence and Security of Jambi Regional Police, Senior Commissioner Bambang Sudarmaji said he did not know the motives of the perpetrators of the attack. Until this news was revealed, there has been no further notice of the motives of the perpetrators of the attack.
