The methamphetamine and nasty, two Emak-emak and one civil servant in Aceh was arrested.

in #news7 years ago

Aceh - Two housewives (IRT) and a man of civil servants (PNS) in Aceh Barat, Aceh, was arrested by the police in the middle of the fun party shabu. In the location, they also believed to have intercourse (sordid).

The three suspects picked up is AG (32), a civil servant in one of the agency in Aceh Barat from Nagan Raya district, Aceh, as well as PW (24) and the hospital (35). Both IRT from Aceh Barat. The police in arresting them in the housing complex in Gampong Peunaga Baro, the Meuraxa, Aceh Barat.

The Head of the Public of the Commissioner Misbahul Munauwar said the arrest of the three started from the information obtained by the police about the alleged party of methamphetamine and sugar in the house. Not long ago, the team Opsnal the Resnarkoba the police station in the West drove to the scene.

In the arrest, we find evidence in the form of a pack of shabu weighing 0, 46 grams and a number of items of evidence, said Misbahul to reporters on Monday (19/2/2018).

The arrest three suspects carried out on Sunday (18/2) night at about 23.45. They also found a number of items of evidence, including a sped the glass in it still contains the rest of the methamphetamine and a the suction tool (bong), which is made from a bottle of mineral water.

The suspect and evidence when it has been secured in Mapolres Aceh Barat for an examination, clearly Misbahul.