Fishermen Finding Tripang I lost it in About Two Island in Aceh Singkil.

in #news7 years ago


Singkil - Erenius Talaumbanua (25), fishermen pencarai Tripang, Tuesday 27 February 2018, at the earliest in the vicinity of two of the island a lot of the West.

Before missing victims together with two friends of fishermen Susanto Laoly (21) Alfariz (25) from Love Makmur towards the island Duo to find Tripang, said the Commander of Navy Posts Second Lieutenant (T) Wiwin Yulianto when contacted by reporters

Arriving at the location, to three fishermen to split up for the search Tripang, when melakuka the search Tripang in the periphery of the Two. Ereanus Telaumbanua to give the torch light spinning.

Seeing the incident was one of his friend Susanto immediately told Alfaris. Then both pursue to the location but rekanyanya it's not had time to pursue, of the victim was missing, and only a flashlight that floats, his words.

Got the report on Tuesday At 9 Wib. The Sarah.Sar Joint Chiefs of Security of a lot of Police and the Task Force Sarah.Sar Island of assisted Aparatur Gampong I Prosperous and residents of the Sialit to the location where the victim is missing to do a search, but until now has not produced results.

Evidence used the victim while looking for Tripang be found in the location of missing ; a flashlight, spears, the fish, he said.