That's so true. We are effectively being divided for money and political reasons on a daily basis and I'm not sure how many people actually realize it. Thanks for the read, up vote and comment. I really appreciate it.
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Unfortunately, not nearly enough. If more people realized it, it wouldn't be an issue. But people are being manipulated through the media. Being told what to believe and what to support. Whether it be by CNN, MSNBC, etc.. on one side, or the FOX News affiliates on the other. People need to realize they are nothing to these media outlets. Nothing but numbers that they can control to back whatever cause makes them the most money.
Yeah, people have been taught that media is beacon of truth and in reality it's filled with bias, political agendas and lies. Above all else it is a business. That's why I'm posting some of what I posted. It's so important to start publicly scrutinizing the media and all power institutions.