HISTORY occurred on the sides of North and South Korea last Friday. Unexpectedly happened. Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea goes to Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), to shake hands with Moon Jae-in, president of South Korea. There are conflicts between the two nations, which until now have yet to repeal their respective declarations of war. The DMZ divides the two countries.

In their speech at the historic meeting, they promised to be "nuclear-free" throughout Korea. It was also said that the war is ended. Kim Jong Un was also the first North Korean leader to enter Korea since the war in 1950-53. The previous leaders are also talked, but there was nothing happen with the peace of the two countries. It is expected that at this meeting, everything will change. Many are hoping that they will not just fooling the world. Hopefully Kim Jong Un is faithful on his actions today.
Several months ago, the North Korean tests of missiles. Nor is it restricting their program of producing nuclear weapons. US President Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un was arrested and threatened several times. But today, a historic meeting is the plan to take place this year between the two leaders.
Many are asking why Kim Jong Un's character has changed greatly. Some are not convinced on his actions. The previous leaders of the two countries have been talking about it, but nothing happens. There are sayings that Kim Jong Un was not as stiff and "closed minded" like her grandfather Kim il-sung and father Kim Jong-il. But analysts still warn. Kim Jong Un should not be left behind as a true dictator. It is not possible to ignore those people who not follow his rules or get killed. Also the nuclear weapons of North Korea are hold, and the threats that he will use those weapons to his opponents, like the US, Japan and South Korea. It's just only time will tell if Kim Jong Un is loyal to his actions. According to others, it is just like drama in the front of the camera. I hope its not. Just saying.
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People have and need to be together, it's amazing this war has ended
yeah you are right @yonilkar