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RE: Justice has been cancelled in favour of some good gossip!

in #news7 years ago

Here is another angle for you to consider. Historically any "problem" with Russia was used by bankers to profit from it and by a certain group of people who pulled the strings from the background to accomplish their goals. There is even fascinating evidence that the fall of the iron curtain and the supposed collapse of the USSR was orchestrated by the same folks. It appears as if we are experiencing merely a big theater, completely oblivious to the true agendas. It is going to be interesting...


Thanks for your comment! I could not agree with you more! The Skripal case is just one of a number of instances in which we see the avarice of certain parties driving the narrative.

By all means, punish those who are proven guilty of crimes ... but prove the guilt to an acceptable standard first!

It is unacceptable, by any civilised standard, to arbitrarily punish anyone on the basis that you 'think' they did something!

What cannot be achieved by political or economic influence is artificially engineered at the cost of basic human rights. It is a sad indictment on the democratic principles we are supposed to enjoy. What is even sadder, is the apathy of the very people who will lose the rights they believe to be immutable. They are the only ones who can possibly change the status quo, yet election after election they don't.

The dumbing down of humanity has worked well for a very few at the very top.

Exactly. Decades of fluoridation and social engineering are now paying off big time. People gobble up any shit they are being served, hell, they even demonstrate for the REMOVAL of rights. The madness is complete.

It is funny that you mention how the system has manipulated people to fight for their right to less freedom, while at the same time convincing them that this, in some bizarre fashion, is actually empowering them!

I have long marveled at this paradox!

To paraphrase someone far more eloquent than I will ever be, "There are none so blind as those who have been utterly convinced that there is nothing to see".

That's a good one :)