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RE: Do you still think the regular news is giving you the facts? Context, and knowledge matter...

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the technical explanation on the possibilities of tracking back the source of hacking! It really helps in understanding the false pretenses of the Russian interference narrative.

I was immediately attracted to your post because of your mention of Yesterday, I read a report from Thierry Meyssan where he suggested a 4th Estate collusion under the umbrella of First Draft and Google Media Lab. I haven't found a Google Media Lab, but I did came upon a Google News Lab.

Same here, about catching the media preying on ignorance, with personal expertise. Working in accounting, I knew when the NYT came out with the idea that Trump could have avoided taxes for nearly two decades, that they were trying to mislead voters. I even saw a highly intelligent friend on Facebook saying that Trump places himself above the law by not paying taxes! Nothing was further from the truth!

The devil is in the detail. The article used the words ''could have avoided''. Here are the points I explained to that person:

  • It was only a possibility since they hadn't in their possession the entire tax return.
  • It is permitted to deduce certain type of losses from taxable gains, so technically your are not avoiding but merely reducing your net gains.
  • There is a difference between tax avoidance (legal if done in accordance with the law) and tax evasion (illegal).
  • What's up with the cult of ''everyone paying its fair (progressive) share'' of taxes?

The person deleted the thread and my answer was gone with the wind. The New York Times didn't lie per se in their news piece title but the general idea that Donald Trump wasn't paying taxes had already spread all over the web.


This is not a field of expertise for me, but it doesn't surprise me at all since I do see a lot of fake things frequently in areas I am knowledgeable about.