Remember when Trump stalled on Covid response and talked Q-non talking points on miracle cures like Ivermectin and Hyrdroxy? The same thing is happening now with RFK Junior, Dr. Oz, Musk and Trump...the complete dismantling of safety precautions. They all want us to all die or be sick! It's just total unreality they are inflicting that will hurt and kill many people. I find it hard to get into can seem so I go to twitter to post what I find there
... you know Trump wants to Terminate The Constitution right!?
Yes it is Jim Jones Level death cult full Fascism ... that's why I am posting this to remind me. Get it through my head and act like it whenever I talk to someone online or in person. Fuck 'em.. Time to be real
Trumps pick for senior director of counterterrorism has ties to Nazism
There was election interference from Russia...there is so much ugly stuff going on right now with this whole situation with Trump and his pals the billionaires and multi-millionaires that are picks for his administration
Allot of people are in danger right now because of Trump..women, trans people, immigrants etc. It's disgusting the level of contempt and hate attempting to be institutionalized into tools of oppression on a systemic level affecting those on top to the bottom who care about human rights
Musk is trying to be literal Big Brother
Musk is trying to Play God with The Planet
Musk is Putins Best Weapon
Trump wants literal deranged and unqualified Nazis in gov't positions
This next screenshot speaks for itself
Yes again Jim Jones Level of brainwashing
Ok well it's late and so I think I am done posting for the night. Will post more of what I have seen on my twitter feed/thread and will post more thoughts and keep thinking, talking and fighting. Get to the grit and the gist of it