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RE: Rhode Island Bill will charge $20 fee to unblock porn

in #news7 years ago

Not sure it will look like this. More likely the cable companies will simply raise prices on the dumb pipe, thus when you THINK you're "cutting the cord" by cancelling your $60 per month cable bill and replacing it with $20 per month for Netflix and Hulu, the dumb pipe company will simply up your internet access charge from $45 per month to $60. So then what was once $110 per month for you 5 years ago, and is $65 now, will quickly become $80. That'll sit for a year, and then they'll raise prices again, and again, and eventually your Netflix & Hulu plus MLB or whatever sport you watch will become > $110 per month you had 5 years ago. Cord officially cut, blood in your wallet.

You didn't think you could win, did you??