has replaced the Drudge report since they have sold their souls to a certain country that promotes censorship on it's highest level. It's now my go to site for what's really going on and I hope you check it out.
I'll be going live again next Friday and encourage everyone to join their Discord channel so you can be a part of the show. You'll never have to be afraid to speak your mind there, it's free speech hot spot and has room to grow.
If you would like to support this show and get a great novel as well, please consider checking out my book The Coming Cataclysm available now for your kindle.

PS: I could use some help promoting HIVE, please feel free to drop some images in the comments that I can use on future posts and I will link it up right to give you the credit you desreve.
Thanks, have a great day!
This discord channel has some amazing assets that are free to use on posts or anywhere you want to share the news about hive:
thanks man. i'll be using it from now on
Thanks for hosting a great show like this. It definitely reminds me what it feels like to be a part of the decentralized community.