The Death Star Weapon of Star Wars is Real and Already Here ! Was Directed Energy Weaponary used against Americans in Northern California ?

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Northern California was subjected to an Apocalyptic Fire on the 9th of October ! Although we are being told by the mainstream media that they were created naturally, many people are seeing huge anomalies which defy physics when looking at the level of destruction and the temeperatures necessary to melt tempered windscreen glass in cars, where engines and aluminium wheel hubs smelted into rivers of molten metal down the road A normal forest fire has temeperatures of approximately 800 + degrees, whereas the materials mentioned to melt in this way needed temperatures in the excess of 3000 degrees which is the same as an Industrial smelting foundary ! So absolutely impossible for a " natural" forest fire !!

So what could have caused these temperatures and why was the damage limited to just the houses which were levelled down to the ground with no discernable structures or even bricks left behind ! While the supposedly more fragile trees actually for the most part survived just metres away from these very same houses !!

There are now many people which when confronted by the videos are seeing that these strange instantaneous flash fires are the produce of of a criminal use of " directed-energy " weapons or airborn high power lasers If true then once again our government could be resposible for the death of 41 people that are so far known to have perished in these fires ! Whose bones were delivered to the coroner to be identified, but the DNA was no longer existant as it has been totally removed by the extreme heat of these" fires !"

I am with this post supplying a selection of videos which I think give you what you need to know ! I think you like me will see that there are some clear problems which do defy the science and common knowledge of wildfire development and standard damage patterns which are not at all found here !

Published on 15 Oct


Due to the major wildfires in the Northern California region, these series of fires are being called “the most destructive fire events in U.S. history.” The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) has stated that fire activity increased significantly, destroying more buildings and forcing more mandatory evacuations.

Already, reports of up to 100,000 people were forced to evacuate from their homes, more than 5,000 homes have been destroyed, and the entire state of California has recently declared a state of emergency due to the deadly outbreak of hepatitis A. This outbreak is said to be the nation’s largest hepatitis A outbreak in over two decades, and could continue for the coming months, if not years.

It's also interesting to note how these wildfires are occurring on the tail-end of major hurricanes such as Harvey, Irma, Maria, and Ophelia — along with cryptic comments from Trump (having to do with "calm before the storm"), and also weeks before the movie Geostorm will be released worldwide, as of October 20th, 2017... The premise of Geostorm having to do with catastrophic storms and major weather events worldwide.

Hell on Earth is the Great Wish of Satan ! Seems that in California, his dream came true!

Military Clips
Published on 17 Apr 2015

A directed-energy weapon (DEW) emits highly focused energy, transferring that energy to a target to damage it. Potential applications of this technology include anti-personnel weapon systems, potential missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles such as cars, drones, jet skis, and electronic devices such as mobile phones.

The energy can come in various forms:

  • Electromagnetic radiation, including radio frequency, microwave, lasers and masers
  • Particles with mass, in particle-beam weapons (technically a form of micro-projectile weapon)
  • Sound, in sonic weapons

Published on 7 Nov 2017

You know there is something wrong when you find a crankshaft under the bed. Kiln fired clay roofing tiles swelling and changing shape. Steel chassis on cars completely stripped out and missing. Engine blocks melted right out of the frames and actually thrown from the vehicle (or vehicle thrown from engine). Insides of electric motors explode apart. Cars flipped over while gas tanks still in tact. Even the kitchen sink gets chewed right through. More than a firenado... maybe sharknado?

Frenchy Kush
Published on 19 Oct 2017

People need to come together now and research these fires, as indeed if this is a military use of secret high tech weapons against its own citezenry, then we are all clearly in very hot water as this event sets a new and dangerous precedent and clearly we all need to be asking some pretty serious questions !

This lady Debora Tavares certainly knew well in advance of this potential danger, as she indeed tried to sound the alarm on the existance of this plan as far back as 2015 ! Two years before this fire that she said would destroy Northern California as part of the U.N Agenda 21 Depopulation Program ! Sadly she has not been heard of since two years by people that used to regurally communicated with here on these issues ! Silenced like many before her ??
Published on 27 Oct 2017

Debora Tavares' interview with Jeff Rense in 2015 conclusively provides documented proof of premeditation of fire destruction of Sonoma and Mendocino Counties, in Northern California using microwave weaponry.

Your thoughts and reactions on this my post, as ever most appreciated in my comment section below.




This led me down an unexpected rabbit hole. Unprecedented burn patterns on the landscape left cars melted to almost nothing near trash cans in perfect shape, houses completely burnt to the foundation next to healthy trees, and was hot enough to melt aluminum and fuse glass to metal.

I even found a retired CA fire captain testify it could be nothing other than a directed energy weapon:

This is absolutely crazy, thanks for the write-up gvibs!

yes so you see what i am seeing too my dear @rondon? Yes this is being completly overlooked by everyone as they just hear forest fire from the lyingstrem media and pass on to the next event ! But this is a first usage of a weapon which is beyond anything we have ever seen before ! this is some real fcked up mess and we need to seriously ask some very very serious questions to what happened really in California that night as people slept quietly in their beds !! I was actually going to use this serious info video in my next post, but its good that you have seen it and linked it already here )

Didn't mean to spoiler your next post, just found this whole subject fascinating. Things like the tree burning from the inside is easily explained by rot, and the holes in the tree lend to that theory, but there are some seriously inconsistent patterns that don't occur during normal forest fire, so there may be something more to this. I'll probably feature this post on Freeze Peach Radio, so be sure and DM any followups you have. ;)

Hey @rondon, thats really ok )) no problem ! I shall be doing this post today anyway and this film will certainlky be featured as the info here is essentiel as this man has 40 years for fire fighting experience and says categorically ,on the record, that for him this fire was not at all a " natural " wildfire and that steel and aluminim melting points to fire temperatures easily in the excess of 3000 degrees, plus many cars overturned and showing considerable damage which points to explosions being present, so yeah not just a fire at all !! So 41 dead and hundreds missing and not accounted for, that I,m pretty sure will never be found as the few bones that have been recovered contain "no DNA ", what fire does that ?? thankyou for yur comment man, Im happy to see you here active on my post )

Yes mate I've been looking into this myself. No way on Earth this was a natural event.
Trees burning from the inside!? Cars melted!
Star Wars is definately here my man and it ain't just the west. Russian and Chinese military tech is way ahead of ours, if it wasn't the psychos in DC would be making threats.
Great post Dude.

So what are we saying then here ? That Northern California was attacked by a military weapon with a destructive capicity the likes we have never seen !! Man this really is about the most frightening thing i have ever seen in m,y life ! As indeed what can protect anybody anywhere from such a weapon ?? So who is the culprit ?? foreign of dometic in your opinion ?? Anyway who cares as either way at least 41 people were turned to dust as they slept in their homes !! Looking at the images I feel its alot more than that too !! Media silent on this as ever !!! wtf !!!!!!!

The media are just a propaganda arm of the govt now.
What and who do you think did this in Tianjin a few years ago?

No way it was an explosion, check out all the melted cars!
Maybe California was payback??

yes well this looks definately like a militarised attack ! This was sold as being an explosion as i recall !! Its awhile back, but the thing is this Californian fire is being reported as a natural wildfire,not an industrial plant explosion ! Melted cars in your cited example is more possible, but come a woodfire could never possibly reach 3000 degrees the temp that steel and aluminium melt!! But agreed this could be a laser style hit too !

I don't know the answers buddy, I just know that there is an asymetric war going on behind the scenes. Is it countries at war? I don't think so.
That leaves other controlling entities above national governments or out of control agencies working for oligharical families like the Bush's.
I suspect it's all about the battle for the dollar, it's dying a slow lingering death and the bankers will do anything to keep the Ponzi scheme going.
Expect more chaos and mayhem.

Yes for sure I agree with your use of the term " asymetric" its totally that !! A war with no rules or discernable enemy ! But it would seem that this enemy has the Human Race in its cross-hairs, but then should we be so surprised since 911 was the sign to the world that this war had begun ! thankyou for your great input as ever on my post @trememendospercy )

I haven't seen this many toasted cars since 9/11. There was a huricane off the coast of NY on 9/11. Many people were umaware of this. Some have speculated that the energy from huricanes can be utilized by a DEW.'s very obvious that there is nothing natural about these fires and good on you for talking about it. People should be outraged.

thankyou @sean-angel, well i am outraged i can tell you, if not more !1 This is just beyond insane and it shows to what point they hate good human beings and will take their property,family and lives in a second with no remorse! These people are Demons that walk amongst us !

Agreed, but there is eveidence that the deep state or this santanic cabal is under a full scale attack. They are scared for the first time since perhaps the JFK days. Their days are numbered and they know it...thats why things are heating up right now (I swear, no pun intended).

hahahaha !! yes well thats is a strange expression considering the subject )) gave me a chuckle despite the rather dark humour !! yes its correct they are under attack from the " Alliance" and so we can only hope that what we see now could be the last throws of this vile creature which has its claw around our throats @sean-angel ! !

Holy Jeezus Fuck

This is the most outrageous story I've ever come across

I've never heard of anything so fucking crazy...


And here I thought chemtrails was the most fucked up thing the armed forces were using against civilian populations...

How ignorant of the truth can we really be..?

Steemon is right... Thanks for sharing my brother.


hey no problem @imp.unity, you are new i think to steemit so welcome to you ! I appreciate you are here to voice your comment and pleased that you will follow my work here !! Steem ON )

Great information here @gomeravibz information that once again proves that truth is indeed stranger than fiction! I saw the video of the tree burning from the inside out and was shocked to notice that the exterior of the tree was relatively untouched! Over the years literally trillions has been funneled into these black book weapon projects so I imagine the public perception is many years behind what they currently have! Equally did you hear about the Russian weapon that can literally drop planes out of the sky and cut all electronic equipment dead? We are living in strange days my friend! Keep up the great work.

Holy Fuck

Where is Debora Tavares?
Activists don't just naturally disappear... Unless they're going against a Rotshield controlled weapons firm disguised as a public utility, whose aim it is to further Agenda 21 - or

Habitat 3,

as t is now called, . It curtails all freedom of movement, choice of location, even housing and it is part of the larger eugenics plan to reduce human population to 500,000,000.

Santa Rosa

I happen to know Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, Napa county and surrounding areas very well. To see this beautiful town burnt to ashes with intent to kill is leaving me emtpy today. These videos show proof in my mind about the culpability of Sacramento, PG&E, rogue elements within the military and the federal government.

My heart is bleeding.

Where is Debroa Tavares?

yes indeed @globocop , you may well ask where is Debora Tavares ?? She has not been heard from since 2014 ! Her web site has not seen any new articles sice this same year either !1 So I guess we can assume that she too has been silenced for her amazing work and fight of the death towers and the new 5G Rollout ! Our government is a rogue hateful criminal even satantical organisation, the gloves are off, the mask has been lifted and as we have seen in California , nobody is safe from their clear insanity !! How many people died in their beds in California ?? Hundreds of people have disappeared without trace !! Yes me too I feel the same way as you, empty (

Excellent writeup. As you may know, the technology they actually have is about 20 years ahead of what we know of.

I had not been following this as much and didn't know the damage was so extensive. That is why people like you @gomeravibz are invaluable in helping to raise awareness. Upvoted.


Thankyou @evernoticethat , nice of you to say ! This fire looks just so bad and there is no way that this could be called a natural event as how does the heat produced by wood burning have enough heat generation to melt steel, aluminium in to rivers of molten metal ?? There is so much to this which simply does not make sense or add up ! So looks very like we have yet again a cloaked hand in this murderous event !

it's true, suit up like a knight, we are in the war

Well ive been suited up and ready for this for years @battleaxe !

thumbs-up (1).jpg

thankyou for the thumbs up from you @shanishah )

u r always welcome dear

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thanks @godfatherofsalsa ! glad you approve ! i shall certainly check you out )