Human trafficking is a horrific scourge, especially when children are the product. Like all porn and prostitution venues, OnlyFans has become a profit center for human traffickers, including of children.
And that's how the Guardian ends it's article on OnlyFans sharing revenue with the UK for publishing child pornography. It's a consequence of the plandemic that could be haunting, especially if the super secure OF site leaks pictures of children being sexually trafficked. Oddly, Secretary Carr mentioned it had already been 2 years since the proposal was made, which puts it in 2019, a year before the plandemic even became public. How prophetic!
Are you saying that the current UK government allows the production and sale of child pornography?😲Dear @valued-customer !
In the world I live in, there is US$3,500 fine for trafficking in child prostitution and child pornography.
I had to pay a fine of US$2,500 for defamation and insult after calling a perverted man who showed his nude photos to minors a psychopath.😂
So, My compatriots must turn a blind eye to illegal and inhumane acts.
Even if I say these things to foreigners like you, I can be punished.😔
I won't be able to object even if you call me a coward!🤣
I will state that such legal imprudence does aggravate me, but very clearly less than it does you. Defending your community is heroic, not cowardly.
Sadly, I erred in the passage you quote above, citing the Guardian rather than the BBC, which I have since rectified. In the paragraph where I discuss the Crown getting a share of the revenue, I link, which I spent some hours seeking to find false claims at. However, to my great shock, despite the scurrilous nature of the claims regarding the activities of the royal family, I was not able to disprove a single specific event.
Given that failure - and I do invite anyone to share any evidence that disproves any of the claims at that site - I must note that revenue sharing from an endeavor is well known to create increased support for that endeavor. I conclude that OF sharing an additional 10% of it's revenue when it is shown to insufficiently prevent children from being published in pornography on the site is a kickback to the UK, and not some punitive fine, but graft that creates a mutual profit motive to publish child pornography for both OF and the UK.
That certainly seems to be the intent of the proposed 10% revenue sharing 'fine' for publishing child pornography to me. I also note that several times in the article, people mention 'companies', plural. Not just OF then, but multiple child pornographers are covered by this proposed legislation. That appears to me to suggest this is an attempt by the UK to create a child pornography industry, and not just one company that provides 10% of it's revenues to the UK.
I am quite outraged at the barely concealed profiteering motive of the UK for proposing such a revenue based fine, that very obviously enables child pornography publishers to prosper with a combined tax and fine rate that is lower than American workers pay just in federal taxes on their wages. It would be more profitable for a ditch digger or a McDonalds worker to publish child pornography in the UK than to do honest work, or at least they'd get to keep a larger percentage of their earnings if they did.
It is horrific and shameful.