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RE: Trump Showed Courage Over Charlottesville, Red Pills for Everyone

in #news8 years ago

It's happening. Google is doing more to red-pill people than we ever will. They don't realize what they are going to unleash. Once Trump beats back this impeachment bullshit, Google is going down for anti-trust violations and restraint of trade over YouTube and its app store shenanigans...

Tim Cook better watch himself with Apple as well. Same deal.


Many other companies should be included in that. Web hosting companies for canceling accounts based on ideology. AirBnB for canceling people based on their beliefs. Paypal canceling accounts of anyone to the right of Stalin. Patreon. GoFundMe. On and on and on. They can't do that to a peaceful Muslim based on his beliefs and the actions of others, but they CAN do it to a "Nazi" who never hurt anyone? No. Hell no. The 1st Amendment protections need to be EXTENDED, not limited.