Watch this dog adorably crash a live news broadcast

in #news8 years ago

Some dogs will do anything for their 15 seconds of fame.

Like this adorable pooch that decided to liven up a sleepy Russian television broadcast by walking right on the set and stealing the spotlight from a news anchor.

The black dog's television debut came during a newscast on Mir24 TV last week, when anchorwoman Ilona Linarte was startled by a bark in the midst of a serious news report.

She then turned around to see her canine guest.

"I've got a dog here,'' she said in Russian. "What is this dog doing in the studio?"

The dog then figures since he's already crashed the show, he might as well get some more airtime. He jumps up next to Linarte, climbs onto her desk and then wins her over to get a friendly petting.

The station followed up by saying the dog was on set with another show guest and ended up getting loose.

Despite making a splash in his television debut, the dog may have a hard time convincing Linarte to be his co-anchor.

"I actually prefer cats,'' she told the audience. "I'm a cat lady."