In this second guide we bring you some simple steps to start mining cryptomonedas in the cloud (we will not use the resources of our pc) with EOBOT, the advantages of this page is that We will not be limited by the speed of our processor nor will we have to build a Rig to have a lot of processing, we will only have to buy Hashes on the page, we will not have to spend on electrical energy nor will we have all day working pc.

Once we have registered and logged in we will see our main panel, EOBOT at the beginning does not give us speed hashes but there is an option to get them for free, on the buttons above is located One that says PRODUCTS, we pass the click and we will unfold some tabs, click on FAUCET.

On the FAUCET page we wait for a reCAPTCHA to come out, we solve it and click on GET FAUCET REWARD.

In the next page we will get the amount of cryptomonedas that EOBOT has given us, in this case I am mining the currency RIPPLE and I receive the reward in this currency, we can do one Time per day in any currency.

We click ACCOUNT and it will automatically lead us back to our main panel, we go to the bottom of the page and click on EXCHANGE, the page will be updated and we will get out Some options.

Below the word FROM (the one under the BITCOIN logo) we can change the currency we want to sell or make the change for the hashes, change the currency and give it to BUY CLOUD SHA - 256 4.0 5 YEAR RENTAL.

Once done these simple steps will not send to a page with the history of purchases of our account, past this page already we will have hashes of process to begin to mine, in this page there are Many cryptomonedas and we also have the option to mine processing hashes.

To change the currency we want to mine we go to the main panel and change the currency in this tab.
To change the currency we want to mine we go to the main panel and change the currency in this tab.

At first we will start with few processing hashes that will not give us any significant gain, we will have to enter FAUCET every day and find referrals to achieve a relative amount to have a good mine , We also have the option to buy hashes, 1 GHS equals 0.34 cents and 1000 equals 340 $.
They can invest a few dollars and mine hashes, which is a good tactic, all the profits in the mining are in the long term and remember that the price of the bitcoin is going up every day more and Is expected in a few months to overcome the $ 4000 barrier so take advantage of buying coins at low prices.
This was our second guide I hope the explanation was simple and without complications, any comments, suggestions do not hesitate to place them as well as ask for a specific guide.

Good thoughts