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RE: Restaurant Owner at the Center of Pizzagate, James Alefantis, Answers Questions About Pizzagate Outside Comet Pizza

in #news8 years ago

"The emails literally say nothing of relevance to the claims though. You need a special 4chan decoder to turn them into something else and that point they are no longer evidence they are a 4chan fabrication."

"I'm saying these specific wikileaks emails don't support the claim pizzagaters are alleging."

And what I am asking you is: Why then do the FBI and other law agencies use compile lists of commonly used terms for various criminal industries around the world? The answer is that they put them together to help you decode emails that otherwise seem ridiculous without the cypher.

So why would they put all that time and money into forming a group of experts to compile these lists if they are not considered even somewhat telling? And why would FBI Agents searching through emails in other pedo cases using these lists to help identify the crime being committed and the likelihood of which illicit industry it is taking place in?

I think it becomes really difficult to argue that these emails do not show that something is off.

I will also say (with love and respect btw) that the fact you said all the emails seem to be talking about normal pizza-related activity makes me think you might not have read any of the emails :/