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RE: FutureDanger Daily Top 10 Headlines: Saturday, February 24th, 2018

in #news7 years ago

Quick takes:

#1 - Defend the 1st Amendment everywhere, or be ready to lose it

#2 - Mainstream Media is manipulating with lies like this a voting block which aims to kill the 2nd Amendment

#3 - Anti-parent precedents are being set by courts that will be hard to cure by the political branches

#4 - If you're fine with this, get ready for more States with month-long waits

#5 - Your world is increasingly censored. Think about what that promotes.

#6 - If there's something to this, then the question is: Are there budgets so black that this tech could run with no White House knowledge?

#7 - Turkey could be dropped from NATO. Would the alliance survive it?

#8 - Only a matter of time before this technology produces a public scandal of tyranny, likely at the State-level first

#9 - You'd like to think workers could shun employers who do this to them.

#10 - Ironic