
the strip beneath PA, not far from lancaster, if you consider lancaster a city that is the closest one to me lol. I am in the house I will probobly be in for the rest of my life and dont really have any plans or ability to relocate.

My wife inherited land from her family, and she is very close with them. We each have cabins spread out across a decent sized plot of land, and we like the area alot, but we also dont have the financial means to move anywhere

The intentional community thing was more of a brainchild of Derrick, he is much more mobile and social than I am lol

Although I do plan to help him out all that I can from where I am at, and I do plan to visit often

His plans as far as the community goes are up in the air right now, as he is considering whether it is best to do inside or outside the US

Well, once we get something going in east Texas, (I'm envisioning starting with at least 10 acres), will you have enough land to launch a clone of it where you are? I do see at least one Agora3 in each of the several states.... Kokesh will be on that debate stage, and we better be prepared to SHOW America what NAPster living is all about. Enough talk, already.
Were you a RUSH fan "back in the day"? (Hard to tell from your pic what era you were "stompin' grounds")

yeah I would be interested in being a part of something like that.

I did appreciate Rush but they were a bit before my time. I like all music, but these days I prefer anything instrumental because i typically listen to music when I write :-)

i also threw raves for a few years, but I dont listen to a ton of electionic stuff anymore unless its really chill and laid back

I'll have to dig up some of the jazz I listened to back in the late 70's - mid '80s...... Check out SpyraGyra for starters.

Ok. So does that mean you have 10 acres available for "homesteading"? ... which can be broken down to 4 equal sized plots? We are going to be basing the structure (sort of non-structured in a spiritual sense, however) on the model developed by Bryan of

...a guy Berwick interviewed at Anarchopulco. archived in DTube somewhere, I'm sure.

We can lease-option the land or simply buy it outright. Let us know. I'm even good with a "99 year lease" if your "klan" doesn't want to part it out.

here. found it:

Watch this. email me. And I'll flesh it out.