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RE: The Never Ending Russia Lie

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Think of all the Germans who died handling the delousing agent. Check it, they dropped it in holes in the roof that the Russian CoEthnics definitely did not put there. Think about the blowback! I bet the Nazis also wish they had Osha bc the doors to the Auschwitz Gas Chamber were made of flimsy wood with, I think a glass inlay. All of that dangerous bug spray obviously escaped and fell many a Germans pissing or hacking a butt.

Forget the book and forget the substandard gas chambers. The Germans really shined burning the bodies. To this day, they could burn them 20-50 times faster than modern technology can.

The secret is that the Germans that worked the Labor Camps were more like the human torch than actual men. Actually, the Jewish that created all the comic characters created the Human Torch bc many Germans are demons in a form like the Human Torch. Not the Johnny Blaze Human Torch though, the other one.

I'm glad the Germans and the Japs lost. If they hadn't, too many people would carry themselves with dignity and things would be too natural. The U.N.? I love it. Classical Liberalism? It's not nearly Liberal enough! Crushing Globalism? We live on a Globe, no? Oligarchical Control? Someone has to run everything and reap the benefits. A people, a nation coming together for their family, neighbor and kinsman? That is Fascism. That is evil. Only the Jews can do that, i.e. Israel which they were already taking by 1917. Edwin Black wrote a more important and less fictional book called The Transfer Agreement. It is terribly dry though. It's about that. Also, never entertain anyone that tells you the Jews Declared War on Germany in 1933. The Jews have no Power and people hate them and now actually do want to liquidate many of them for no reason. They've been kicked out of where they were 109 times. No one knows why... the water? A fungus? idk.

I wish I had that book. It would really be something I could change the world with. It was written by an Award Winning Author!