Evidence of what? - the fact that 911 was a zionist plot was well known by 2002, and nothing was, or ever will be taken further.
There have been dozens of zionist false flags since then - and pretty much everything that happens now is part of those plans, from Terresa May to Bitcoin and everything in between (I just chose those two examples because you are English and into cryptos).
I was referring to larry silverstein and the famous quote from him. Documentation that shows culpability would obviously change the situation.
It was over 17 years ago and I don't think anyone will do anything about the stuff that has happened recently and widely discussed on Steemit, like the moronic Las Vegas mass shooting" in which 58 fake "victims" weren't shot at all, let alone stuff from back in the dark ages!
Not a single major fake incident has ever been exposed in over 100 years, and Larry Silverstein is certainly not going to be the first to be nailed - he is in the get off free club. Actually he is in the "Here have $4.55 billion" club
Obviously a large scale hack is not something that would be part of the plan.
I'd say they are a frequently used part of he plan - along with "leaks" - prime examples being Edward Snowden and Julian Assange- a con artist lapped up hook line and sinker on Steemit!
You stated that you don't think anyone is going to do anything about these events and in particular because 911 is 17 years old. Why would organisers of a 'fake' event go to the bother of having a fake hack about it 17 years later? - this doesn't make much sense if you are inferring that by being 17 years old it is out of the mental reach of people to act against it.
While people are focusing on old stuff they are not looking into current cons like the French yellow jacket supposed revolution.
Distract and divide being key tactics.
Anything exposed about 911 now just doesn't matter. Hell it didn't matter 15 years ago!
Allegations aren't knowledge.
Neither are vague one liners!
A mind controlled population has no interest in knowledge...
I am not inclined to believe the official narrative of 9/11, but the alternative theories are all lacking in substance as well. Every question is usually plugged with an equally unsubstantiated conspiracy theory. It is essential in the search for truth to be even more skeptical of the answers given by those with whom you instinctively agree. Burden of proof is always on the one with the positive claim, and leaps of logic must be pointed out even more carefully. The falsehood of one story does not prove any of the alternatives offered.
Holy cow - I did all this in 2002 and took my webpage about 911 down in 2006 on the fifth anniversary because it was old news. There is new shit going on right now - this week - other fake news!
If you are really still hung up on 911, here it is all covered in under five minutes:
I'v been following 9/11 truth stuff since probably 2003 or 2004. One consistent problem I have always seen is confirmation bias. The official story has holes. Therefore pet theories are shoehorned in, and confirmation bias comes into play as the truther seeks supporting evidence and discards anything that doesn't match.
The strangest thing is we don't need to find the "smoking gun" on 9/11 to know government is wholly corrupt and bent on destruction. Whether the US government or some other shadowy organization was behind this specific event is largely irrelevant. But that makes it all the more important that we apply as rigorous a methodology as possible.
To which I would say: apply your focus to events that are happening right now, and keep in mind that the organisations running them are fully known - they are zionists headed by the house of rotchild, and all media and governments globally are controlled by them.
One thing you are neglecting is that this is a current op.
Clearly The Fart Gaylord isn't simply extorting the architects of 9/11 for $250.
So, given your interest in current affairs, what is going on?