 7 years ago  Reveal Comment

They want to leave because they have been indoctrinated with lies for more than 30 years. I've seen it myself with my own eyes.

Why have the secessionist politicians done this? For the oldest reason in the world, power, and money. They want to be the kings of their own little country by stealing the land of Spain, but they will never ever manage to do it because Spain has the law and the reason on its side.

Spain is a democracy and Democracy is that all Spaniards decide whether they want a region of Spain to secede or not, anything else is not democracy but an illegal secession of a country against international law, the European Union Constitution and the Spanish Constitution.

The world understands this and that is why all major countries have expressed the support to the Spanish government, from Merkel to Trump.

On Monday the secessionist will be sad, very sad, and if they dare to unilaterally declare secession they will end up with their bones in jail like it happened to Companys the previous time that this happened.

About the European Constitution, well, yes, technically we have the European Union treaties amended by the Treaty of Lisbon when the original constitution was not ratified by the French and the Duch, but the Treaty of Lisbon implements into the European Union Treaties what the European Constitution was supposed to implement, so in practice we do have it but with just a different name.

You must be crazy to compare a colony to a part of Spain. Catalonia is an integral part of Spain and never a colony. If you know a bit of history and international law you will know that the UN has a Special Committee on Decolonization that has said nothing about Catalonia being a Colony of Spain, obviously, because it is only common sense. It's like saying that Provence is a Colony of France or that California is a colony of the United States, only someone very confused could say something that crazy.

Qui ha parlat sobre el català? De fet, em parlo un poc de català, encara que tinc un poc oblidat ja fa anys que vaig deixar de viure a Catalunya.

Don't mix things, don't patronize me, the idea that you have been indoctrinated into about the rest of Spaniards is wrong. Spaniards are not fascist, "Franquistas" anti-Catalan and Catalonia. All those are the lies that told you to instigate hatred against the rest of your Spaniard brothers.

Accept that Catalonia is part of Spain, it will always be, and let's work together to fix our country, that there are many things to fix.

Stop hating, the rest of Spaniards do not hate you, but they are against the fascists secessionist politicians that want to steal part of the land of Spain.

Again, my comparison with California was about the no need of little small mini-states within Spain, the same that there is no need for mini-states within California.

If Spain had a central government like California does it will be much more efficient and all Spaniards will be much better off than what they are right now. The autonomous regions are a parasite that has been bringing down Spain since the democracy started.

And again, by definition, a country cannot occupy its own land. There is no occupation in the region of Catalonia as it has always been part of Spain and it will always be part of Catalonia.