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RE: #HelpCatalonia - This is how Catalan citizens are treated by the Spanish government for the simple fact of wanting to decide and vote for a referendum

in #news7 years ago


I wish that I was paid for these posts.... well, actually I am but thanks to Daniel Larimer and SteemIt ;)

If you check my history you will see that I have other posts that are not related to the secession of Catalonia but about cryptocurrencies and personal freedom.

And secession is not freedom, it is fascism trying to impose the will of a few Spaniards from Catalonia to the rest of Spaniards so they steal part of the land of all Spaniards.

You have been very well indoctrinated, the most corrupt politicians in Spain are the ones from Catalonia and Andalucia. Just look at the longtime regional president of Catalonia, Pujol, and his family being tried in court for corruption.

About "sucking the tits" hahaha
Economically Catalonia is far from what it once was, their downfall came when the secessionist and corrupt politicians arrived to the regional government, starting with Pujol and his family tried for corruption and stealing money from all Spaniards.

Catalonia is currently broke, the Spanish government has had to give even more money from the taxes of all Spaniards to Catalonia, taking it away from other regions, so the public services and salaries in the region of Catalonia could be paid for. The government has given this additional money to Catalonia to see if they stop crying (qui no plora no mama) but it is impossible with the secessionist regional politicians.

Furthermore, without Spain Catalonia would be completely broke, without the support from the tax money from the rest of Spaniards, without the Spanish market, outside of the EU (because to enter you need the Spanish vote and you will never ever get it), ostracised internationally...

The "Espanya ens roba" (Spain steals from us) is false, it is exactly the opposite, the ones stealing from the Catalonians and the rest of Spaniards are the regional secessionist politicians from Catalonia.


They don't want your money. Let them go.

Would you allow someone to take away your land?

So Spaniards will never let some fascist secessionist to steal their land.

Would you let them be if they said they didn't want your land either? Would you let them keep their houses where they are, not pay any taxes or abide by your rules? (And if this was ever an option, how would they know the next generation would keep your word?)

Probably not. Why would you? That's why the only practical way out, as it seems right now, is physical isolation and the establishment of another country.

It may cost you to let current taxpayers and a few children born into a slavery (that you blame on the decissions of their parrents or earlier ancestors) go, but it will be a whole lot more effecient for you all if in the long run if you stop forcing integration.

A secessionist vote is not allowed by Spanish constitution and that is why it was declared illegal.

If you want to vote then first try to change the Spanish Constitution to allow a secessionist poll. If you manage it then try to change the European Constitution that also prevents secessions within member states (1).

Regarding allowing Catalonia in the EU, how can you dream that in a hypothetical secession (that will never happen), after stealing part of the Spanish country, that country is going to have any good relations with you?
If a burglar comes to your home and steals your property, are you going to be friends with him??? Come on, get real! You will want him to be behind bars and to get back your property.

So if secession is currently illegal under Spanish Constitution and European Constitution was is the point of making an illegal, irrelevant and useless vote? Obviously none.

As I said, change both those constitutions first and then we can start talking about all Spaniards deciding if they break Spain apart.

From your comments I also see that you are a xenophobe, of course... what I'm thinking off... secessionism is xenophobism and fascism... hahaha


Ummm... a good question...

It was a branch of the Illuminati defecting from the main illumination boss, the Monarchy of England, so they could build their own country. Remember that there was a war as result... Check Washington DC, the Seal of States, the US$ note, etc... to find all the illuminating symbols.

Then those illuminated took on the task of killing practically all of the aborigines from America.

Now that you mention the United States of America... what do you think of the Secession War or American Civil War? You know, the Confederates trying to secede from the United States of America...
