
Thanks. Want to point out also that is great to see posts like yours here that help people understand the truth bout what really took place and dissect how the misinformation was thrust upon the public by these nefarious characters. All the bad that Michael Weiss and company have done seems to be coming back to haunt them, rather quickly I might add. I'm a patient guy and willing to wait for the truth to see the light of day, but posts like yours and others at Steemit are helping to bring the truth around sooner then I expected. Glad to see it.

Hey, these are some extremely kind words. Thank you. Just doing the little bit that I can to spread the truth.

Shared on White Helmets Exposed. Excellent Steemit Post Exposing Michael Weiss of the Daily Beast - FAKE NEWS | How The Atlantic Council Promoted Anti Russian Propaganda
Link here:

WhiteHelmetsEXP WhiteHelmetsExposed tweeted @ 06 Feb 2018 - 02:05 UTC

Excellent Steemit Post Exposing Michael Weiss of the Daily Beast - FAKE NEWS | How The Atlantic Council Promoted An……

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