There has been a mysteriously large number of people that have fallen foul to accidents, murders and suicides in the wake of the Clinton family's decades long rise to power. Some political analysts put the total number of dead to well over 50. Probably the most famous person to die at the hands of the Clinton's in recent years was the Bernie Sanders supporter, Seth Rich. Rich was shot and killed in a botched robbery attempt after he was found to have leaked DNC documents to Wikileaks that exposed DNC collusion with the Clinton campaign in a bid to suppress Sanders supporters in the run up to the 2016 US presidential election.

The latest addition to this gruesome list of accident prone suicidal murder victims is a doctor, Clinton critic, and one of the first medical responders to travel to Haiti in the aftermath of the 2010 Earthquake. Within days of landing in Haiti Dr. Lorich found he was unable to do his job as a surgeon due to lack of organization, protection, and support from both the Clinton's and the US government.

Dr. Dean Lorich, an acclaimed trauma surgeon, was found dead on Sunday, with a knife in his chest, by his 11-year-old daughter in his apartment, which police say had no signs of forced entry. One police source said “He was under some personal stress,” which they believe could have lead to his apparent suicide.
Doctor found dead with knife in chest inside Manhattan apartment while home alone with 11-year-old daughter | NY Daily News - 12/10/2017
Investigators were treating the death of Dr. Dean Lorich as an apparent suicide, sources said.
Lorich volunteered in Haiti for 2010 earthquake victims. “It’s devastating news. Dean was a friend and a tremendous doctor,” said Dr. Soumi Eachempati, who traveled with Lorich to the devastated country. “The medical community will have an extremely large void without him.”
An email found in Wikileaks Clinton email archive originally written by Dr Dean Lorich just a few days after returning from Haiti highly criticizing the US governments role in the Haiti relief effort was forwarded to Hillary Clinton by Cheryl Mills.
DOCTORS REPORT FROM HAITI | Wikileaks - 01/24/2010
From: Dean Lorich
To: Christopher Born
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 2010 00:11:38
.... We all felt as though we abandoned these patients and that country and feel terrible. Our role now being back in NY is to expose the inadequacies of the system to the media in the hopes of effecting a change in this system immediately. We feel that the only way to really help now is an urgent programtic change and organization in the support of the medical staff on the ground and what is critically needed to expeditiosly bring in. Cherrios on the tarmac are not getting it done on these patients which clearly would be savable if good care could urgently be provided.
4 days after Dr Dean Lorich sent that email, and 1 day after Cheryl Mills forwarded it to Hillary Clinton, Lorich published an editorial piece with CNN about the lack of help given to him and his team by the US government and various aid agencies, charities and officials.
Doctors: Haiti medical situation shameful | CNN - 01/25/2010
The fact that the military could not or would not protect the critical resupply medical equipment on Sunday, or allow the Tuesday flight to come in, is devastating and merits intense investigation.
Well, could it just be another coincidence that after Dr. Lorich shone a spotlight on the immense level of corruption in Haiti he randomly turns up dead? With the number of dead Clinton critics rising annually and the amount of building evidence against them it's hopefully only be matter of time before they make a mistake big enough to eventually sees them behind bars.

Are you kidding me?
A doctor stabs himself to death with all the possible drugs he could have used for a peaceful passing.
How can anyone buy this shit?
I can't wait for the day that fucking witch is dead and buried, may she rot in hell!
And her rapist husband too!
It's quite incredible that they still get away with it to be honest.
I guess getting away with any crime is easy when your mates own the press and run the government. Hopefully the controllers will cut their losses with the Clintons, Bush's etc and give them the good news.
Hopefully through a wood chipper.
😂😂😂 Classic!
I think I could wear the blades out on that, the list of criminals is endless..
Both George Bush's,
Miley Cyrus - I can't bear that skank!
Am i the only one who sees that patsy's are out of fashion?
take JFK and MLK there they used patsy's but they still managed to get too many truths out that can prove their innocence
And nowaday's everyone commits 'suicide' in the most ridiculous ways. Or perhaps get shot in Las Vegas in a chaos. or in a highschool shooting?
Now i have to think about the Aaron Schwartz 'suicide' story what was that all about?
And certain people who die in accidents. car crashes, private aeroplane crashes, medicine or other drugs.
everything you find in hollywood moviesand tv series, the same scripts
this brought me to this idea:
Seems like a meme kind of day

Hope one day I will turn on the news to hear that those satanic pedophiles and warmongers are prosecuted. Too many people around Hillary have commited suicide.
The hit list is only growing. The Clinton mafia is on the loose.
I tried to make people aware of this "trend" before the elections but no one would believe me including my own husband. The number of mysterious deaths related to Hillary and the Clinton administration is astonishing.
did you say

His name was Seth Rich
Yea. We are supposed to believe that "Deep State"is not involved and that all of these deaths having nothing to do with the Clintonistas. Right!
If you want to pay 10 times the going rate for life insurance, use one of the Clintons as your contact person on the form.
Her decisions in the past are the reasons why the middle east and russian relations around the world are crumbling. The crap that woman is involved in would make a person sick. She is the face of hypocrisy.
So true. There is something fundamentally floored about her.
Yeah because stabbing yourself in the chest during a fit of depression is such a standard way to commit suicide eh? Hmmm I wonder what the prognosis would be if this happened to an average Joe in a leafy suburbia? I wonder if they would be so quick to attribute it to suicide? Move along please, nothing too see here!
The cess pit that surrounds the Clintons stinks so much it should have the entire world retching! They are a shit stain on the underpants of humanity.
Couldn't have put it better myself.
I read in one article that his daughter originally told the building security that her dad had been assaulted.
Thanks for your comment.
No problem, you literally couldn't make it up and I just can't believe how gullible (most) people have become.
Do you think any one of those thousands of sealed indictments could potentially be Hilary Clinton? I know it seems as though she is untouchable, but the victims of her kill list and their "suicides" are becoming much more obvious.
Nice! I also read some year ago about a man that criticised the Clinton Foundation that died from an exercise ''accident''. He was bench pressing and obviously dropped the bar viscously on his chest.
Yeah, his name was John Ashe, a UN ambassador and the 'exercise accident' happened at his own home when he crushed his own throat with a barbell.
Then investigation it is, I can't understand why gross incompetence should be condoned
Incredibly heinous...Justice is bound to come her way sooner than later...

Lets hope so
arrogance on a stick
now thats what i call a good example
And the whole thing is 31 years old.
And how little we learned...
There is a serious flaw in education if bullshit can replicate itself like bunnies.
Would be cool to see that as a MEME.
Nice post. Thanks for sharing.
@mes The expected honor-suicide of the samurai wife is frequently referenced in Japanese literature and film, such as in Taiko by Eiji Yoshikawa, Humanity and Paper Balloons, and Rashomon.