Why Flat Earth is the MOST Important Topic of Discussion

in #news6 years ago (edited)


Flat Earth is one of the most, if not the most polarizing topic being discussed on the internet. Many people believe this discussion is solely about the shape of the ground beneath our feet. The ground beneath our feet is just the tip of the iceberg on this ship that is flat earth.

When confronted with evidence that we may not be living on a spinning ball flying through outer space, many people often respond with "What difference does it make if the earth is flat, it doesn't affect my life". In reality this response couldn't be further from the truth.

The ramifications of the earth being flat are unfathomable. This isn't an article to attempt to prove the Flat Earth Theory, but rather to discuss why the shape of the earth might be the most important question of our life. To briefly summarize the heliocentric model: a single particle exploded into everything, matter formed into planets, our planet eventually developed life, everything evolved to the point where we are now. (That is a rough explanation) If the earth isn't a spinning ball, we have to throw all of these things out the window. To truly understand the flat earth perspective, we have to get rid of our ideas about outer space and the earth traveling through an endless universe.

If the main concepts of the flat earth model are true (flat plane, stationary, in the center of the universe) everything we are being taught in our university system is wrong. Not just wrong, but an intentional deception. Something that is even more important is that a flat earth cannot be random. A flat realm of existence doesn't just explode into existence from the big bang.

From a flat earth perspective, the entire reason for the spinning globe deception is to kill our spirituality. This is coming from someone who was brought up in the public education system believing in evolution and all of the unproven scientific theories they taught me. I was very anti religion and would not take anything serious other than mainstream modern science. The ONE major difference between the globe and the flat earth is that flat earth would have to have been created in some way or fashion. It would be incredibly hard to theorize a flat realm coming into existence any other way. On the globe model, existence came into being without a creator. In the globe model people are born with no purpose. Everything is random and we are basically lucky we even exist. Nothing matters we are just floating through and endless universe for no reason and our planet is going to be gone some day. On the flat earth model we are the center of everything and we are here for a reason.

This is one of the hardest things to come to terms with when researching conspiracy topics. No matter if you are searching UFOs, the new world order, or flat earth, eventually the end result is that you realize they are controlling us on a spiritual level. Conspiracy research ultimately becomes spiritual research because at the end of the day if the earth is flat then we have a creator and this reality is a lot more important than we are led to believe.

This article isn't being made to endorse any religion or spiritual belief system but merely to explain that flat earth has spiritual implications. It isn't just "lying about the shape of the earth", it could literally be lying to us about who we are, where we are, and why we are here. One might find it interesting that every ancient culture and religion discussed a creator and the earth being flat.

To bring this to a conclusion I would like to say that at the end of the day the shape of the Earth actually doesn't matter. But keeping in mind what is at stake by blindly putting our faith into the globe model is important. There is clearly a shift in consciousness being made by taking society from a god-fearing people who care about the afterlife and what legacy they leave behind to a society who thinks nothing matters and nothing happens after we die. It is a clear shift in the mindset of the people as a whole and we need to ask ourselves what seems right to us instead of believing government scientists and organizations like NASA.

-Flat Earth Gaming


Inform yourself about the Kepler´s laws. If the sun moves while the planets orbits it, then the planets can not be orbits the sun on ellipses.
However, Kepler's laws only work with ellipses.
The planetary orbits are, in fact, spirals. This proves that the heliocentric modell is wrong, because it is based on Kepler's laws. If you are comparing this with a train or an elevator, remember that they have a physically fixed reference plane (the floor), Where is the referential plane in the solar system? Just think about this and all others?
The heliocentric model which taught in schools and universities is wrong. The sun does not stand still in the center.