Let me start with this: I know 2 women who avoided being kidnapped and presumably raped by merely showing their weapon. Then let me see if you get this...
"In our quest "to blame" and to find some complicated political and social answer..., we have missed a simple truth and the heart of the matter.
A penis, with its procreating-power, in the hands of an adolescent male, does the same thing to a human mind that cocaine does.
You can get the same adrenaline-rush by driving a very fast car or winning a high-dollar poker tournament.
Ultimately - nothing is as-sure or as-available as "the penis" and they begin fantasizing about using it - like a junkie chasing a more-powerful high."
Your right to self defense, like your right to procreate, is something that you have to learn to handle responsibly.
OK - So - from now on..... you propose that anyone buying a gun is mandated to take a class to handle it properly.
That sounds like a GREAT gun-bill.
So - should the people who buy guns without taking this "class to learn to handle it properly" go to prison?
Or should the seller go to prison for selling it to someone who didn't take this class?
I'll forward your idea to my local US Congressman, but I think it's already been proposed.
Your Congressman is an amoral powermonger who I have not consented to govern me. My right to self defense was granted by my creator.
Is that a quote from Stephen Paddock?
How is mandating that you take a class to learn how to handle a gun before you buy one... taking away your right to have a gun?
You have lots of American rights.... but if you're caught yelling fire in a crowded place, threatening someone's life or extorting someone with your speech... you go to prison.