Were the recent acts of sabotage blamed on Iran the work of Deep State operatives attempting to ignite World War 3?
Today scanning twitter, I responded harshly to Jack Posobiec's poll asking if Trump should order US troops to invade Iran. Of course I had to dig into my newsblur account to find out why anyone who claims to be a Trump supporter would suddenly echo Hillary Clinton and her war-mongering ways. But, also taking into account Jack Posobiec's whole schtick of a 90's era Christian Conservative, I have to admit, I've found his hawkish outlook to differ greatly from my free-thinking freedom loving American outlook before. And his poll only strengthened my resolve to educate Americans about the fact that #DeepState operatives come in many guises. And although the Deep State media du jour is your far Left Reactionary such as Don Lemon, recent American history from circa 2001, should reveal the Deep State plays two sides against the middle.
Clearly by the numbers of the poll, Americans resoundingly reject any kind of folly into another Middle East war. My response to Jack has notably been unanswered as of the writing of this OpEd blog.
Looking at Jack Posobiec's Bio, and having seen him interact with known LARP Alex Jones on Infowars.com, Jack Strikes me as the kind of Republican I came to dread during the Bush POTUS 43 administration. What Jack represents is a throwback to the 90's neo-conservative before many Americans had realized internet help them discern information and think for themselves. Add to that the 90's hawkish neo-conservatives went against the classic conservative outlooks from notables such as WIlliam F. Buckley and Pat Buchanan that have become popular with modern Trump supporters. And lets not forget the ranting of far-right neo-con ideals were being spouted by the opioid addicted madness of Rush Limbaugh in the 1990s. Lets face it, this led to the ever scheming Bush/Cheney cabal and their serach for WMD's in Iraq and supposed incompetent handling of 4 hijacked airplane on September 11, 2001. And, while I suspected that Posobiec more of a neo-con and was what many free-thinking Trump supporters would refer to as a "Fake Trump Supporter", after he posted this poll on Twitter, it cemented my opinion of him for all time.
Former Naval Intelligence Officer playing Cold War Rebel, here we see Jack Posobiec with his wife in front of a Russian tank. And, I feel this image gives you an interesting insight into the hawkish mindset of, lets face it, a Naval Intelligence Officer, who spent a lot of time in an office in front of a computer.
In conspiracy theory circles, the Left and the Right are tools used against the silent majority to sway public opinion. Granted, we have seen the Left become so insane with their censorship on social media, massive bias on mainstream media, and acts of violence that it's clear what used to be considered liberal and Democrat has been hijacked by Leftist Radicals. However while it's easy to find common ground with other Americans who find Leftist Radicals revolting, the free-thinking intelligent individual will remember the mind-job foisted onto the American public under the Bush/Cheney Administration. And they used the same tactics that Jack Posobiec is using by claiming their Christianity is somehow giving them providence to assume that a war with a Muslim nation is somehow a divine quest.
Any conflict with Iran over oil makes little sense as the USA now produces enough oil where we have become one of the world's biggest exporters of it. Does the sabotage in the Straight of Hormuz point to a conspiracy of Banking Cartels who rely on the Petrol Dollar Fiat Currency system as their source of power and control?
And these kinds of manipulations are extremely dangerous. And when you "follow the money" and break down whom a war with Iran would serve, the only answer is the fiat currency creating money funders known as the Central Banking Cartels. Specifically here in the USA that would be he Federal Reserve.
Screen capture from Al Jazeera article on tanker sabotage in the Straight of Hormuz. Citation below.
Having been in Naval Intelligence, I am going to assume Posobiec is too smart to simply be threatening every issue the world faces with American Military might. It's oddly comforting that CNN didn't carry the story as a headline considering their obvious Deep State propaganda. Drawing my own conclusions I feel the tanker sabotage and Saudi Arabian refinery drone attacks are connected and coordinated. It's also interesting that I found them on my newsblur RSS feeds to Reuters and Al Jazeera and not in any of the American or European Deep State infested news sources. And adding the fact that the story has not made the domestic news cycle with Posobiec's poll about invading Iran, begs the question, "Is the Deep State's Last Ditch Effort Attempting World War 3?".
Oddly missing from CNN's splash page of headline news is the story of the tanker sabotage in the Straight of Hormuz.
The last thing the USA needs right now is another conflict in the Middle East. Trump's fast-tracking of sending the USS Abraham Lincoln to strategic waters near Iran has many Trump supporters wondering if he has been compromised by the Deep State. Or is Trump playing this out in an attempt to expose Deep State hawks within his administration?
Tony Castelluci is a filmmaker, writer, and raconteur. Having once served as a Water Safety Survival Instructor as a member of the elite special operations USMC unit 2nd ANGLICO, Tony still seeks adventure on air, land, and sea. Please subscribe, resteem if you can afford it, and share this post if you appreciate the content.
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Al Jazeera. 2019. “US Military Probes Oil Tanker 'Sabotage Attacks' off UAE Coast.” News | Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/05/military-probes-oil-tanker-sabotage-attacks-uae-coast-190514105033539.html.
Kalin, Stephen. 2019. “Saudi Arabia Says Oil Facilities Outside Riyadh Attacked.” Reuters. Thomson Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-saudi-oil-usa-iran/saudi-arabia-says-oil-facilities-outside-riyadh-attacked-idUSKCN1SK0YM?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed: reuters/topNews (News / US / Top News).
Stewart, Phil. 2019. “Exclusive: U.S. Commander Says He Could Send Carrier into Strait of...” Reuters. Thomson Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-iran-military-exclusive-idUSKCN1SF2NK.
“Breaking News, Latest News and Videos.” 2014. CNN. Cable News Network. https://www.cnn.com/.
Jack Posobiec Bio: https://everipedia.org/wiki/lang_en/jack-posobiec/
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