Greg Hunter provides a wrap-up of the news during the past week with his own unique commentary and perspective.
- (00:16) Corona virus: World Health Organization (WHO) declares global emergency;
- (01:56) U.S. Senate calls for immediate shutdown of all flights from China to U.S.;
- (04:33) Ray Dalio says it's time to diversify into cash;
- (06:19) Impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate;
- (09:38) U.S. Senator, Rand Paul, reads forbidden question;
- (18:09) Election fraud deterrents;
- (21:12) Former Wells Fargo CEO fined for his role in sales practices scandal;
- (22:06) Deutsche Bank: After slashing bonuses, promised pay raised delayed;
- (24:56) What should the little guy do?;
- (25:54) Don't believe the lie;
- and more..
30 minute video by Greg Hunter published 30 January 2020
Greg Hunter's YouTube channel: USAWatchDog
USA Watchdog website USA Watchdog
USA Watchdog on SteemIt: @usawatchdog
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Thank You!
Thank you!
“Los políticos sirven para decirle a la gente lo que quieren oír, y lo que quieren escuchar es lo que no sucederá”.
Paul Samuelson.
Por lo que se puede apreciar seguirán surgiendo elementos que afecten la economía de una u otra forma, y de no ser así, se verá igualmente afectada con cada escándalo que surge.
El desarrollo de las economías al parecer siempre son débiles y tambaleantes solo basta con escándalos o brotes de enfermedades para que se caigan a pedazos.
The development of economies seems to be always weak and shaky. It only takes scandals or disease outbreaks to make them fall apart.
And if all this fraud was organized by the alleged defendant, why do I wonder... There are such clumsy beings in those government posts, and if that's how they got to those posts...
Y si todo este fraude fue organizado por la supuesta parte acusada, porque me pregunto yo… En esos puestos gubernamentales hay seres tan torpes, y si es así como llegaron a esos puestos?...
It always amazes me how some of these politicians got elected to their office. For many, it certainly was not because of their intelligence.
Have a great week!
Steem on,
informative interview with GREG HUNTER, thank you very much
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Sí en realidad todo este juicio es un engaño entonces quien asumirá las consecuencias de toda esta ridiculez ya que todo esto llevo a muchos gastos públicos que si son reales y ellos no lo cubrirán…
One disaster after another... anything serves to give it wide enough coverage to distract all the world's attention and in the end we're still in the same boat.
Un desastre tras otro… cualquier cosa sirve para darle una cobertura lo suficientemente amplia como para distraer toda la atención mundial y a la final seguimos en lo mismo.
Greg Hunter always has a direct conversation. This is a rarity and a treasure. Thanks so much for the news.
thank you for sharing the news
Nice informational interview series 👍
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Nice informational interview series 👍 thanks for sharing mike sir.
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