1. The Legislation of TikTok
I may not be a passionate fan of the TikTok social media platform. However, I do understand the frustration that TikTok users in the United States are experiencing upon hearing that our elected officials may be banning TikTok altogether if it doesn't break away from its Chinese parent company. Any of you who are not aware of this news story, you can see and hear all about it in the news clip below.
The United States Congress Has Overstepped Its Authority
Now, there have been some social conservatives like Joshua Barbour of Dad Challenge Podcast and the likes who have been complaining that TikTok encourages sordid behavior among what they refer to as "MAPs" ("Minor-Attracted Persons" or "Minor-Attracted People"). They complain that girls barely in their teenage years have been twerking in videos on TikTok and attracting significantly older men with dishonorable intentions. QAnon conspiracy theorists and femi-Nazis have become strange bedfellows on this topic.
Oh, how I hate that term "MAP" and the likes. They're not even legitimate terms in the English language, and these self-righteous do-gooders all over the Internet are trying to misuse it to fool the Court of Public Opinion into believing that adult men who find teenage girls to be attractive are no different from dirty old men who kidnap toddlers from playgrounds for lewd purposes.
There is this one writer on the HubPages writing platform who bounces from discussion thread to discussion thread, throwing these same bogus terms at everyone and getting irritated with anyone who calls him out on it. He really annoys me. The definition of teleiophilia is as described:
a romantic and/or sexual preference for young adults (20s and 30s), specifically for adult body types, as it also technically encompasses attraction towards postpubertal, sexually mature teenagers.
According to the American Psychiatric Association ("A. P. A."), teleiophiles do not share the same umbrella as pedophiles and infantophiles. The A. P A. considers teleiophilia to be normative and healthy. What does it take to get this fact through these social-justice warriors' thick heads?
An adult man who finds a sexually mature 16-, 15-, and even 14- and 13-year-old girl to be attractive is not the same kind of person as a pedophile who lusts after 5-, 6-, and 7-year-old girls. To believe that he is so is kind of like saying that there is such a thing as kosher bacon. Any Jewish person will call you out on that perception.
2. Teenage Girls Flaunting Themselves Off On TikTok
All of these special-interest groups that use fear-mongering tactics to scare the public at large into believing that allowing girls as young as 13 or 14 years old to dance and twerk in skimpy bikinis on TikTok are going to turn every man over 21 years old into a savage sex fiend cannot be any more ludicrous in their unfounded thinking than they are. Adult men have been falling under teenage girls' spells since the beginning of time.
The fact of the matter is that because TikTok is from the People's Republic of China, as Americans, we cannot expect for the producers of this same platform to have the same moral viewpoint as each and every American does. The statutory age of consent in the People's Republic of China is 14 years old and has been for some time now.
In view of these facts, nobody can expect the Chinese to apply the same set of standards surrounding age-appropriateness on social media as Americans do. Let's not forget that The People's Republic of China was where a 24-year-old singer named Zhang Muyi announced his wedding plans with then 12-year-old singer, Akama Miki.
Americans, particularly social conservative ones, need to stop living in their white-picket-fence fantasy world. Regardless of what any pseudo-intellectual has to say about the developing brain, teenage girls stop wearing diapers long before they start voting in presidential elections.
Allow me to stress my point about teenage girls on TikTok. There is this one Russian girl who dances in front of a camera on her TikTok videos. I found out about her several months back. Here is one of her videos below.
Darya Raf Rules On TikTok
Now, I am sure that this same Russian girl is not yet old enough to vote in an American election, because her background information on her YouTube channel indicated so. Nonetheless, any man who is attracted to the opposite sex has to find this girl to be stunningly beautiful. She could win any major beauty pageant here in the United States against women even a decade older than her.
Even all these Chris-Hansen wannabes on YouTube probably watch this Russian girl's videos. Self-righteous do-gooders like them seldom ever practice what they preach.
Everything about this Russian girl is perfect, and you're not going to find anything like her at a high-school reunion. Even if you go to your five-year high-school reunion, the girl you remember who looked like this one back in high school will be too busy touring the world in her career as a model or a movie star to waste her valuable time on a dying tradition such as a high-school reunion.
Watch Darya Raf's video below and see what I mean. She is every definition of Heaven on Earth.
Warning! Stay Far Away From Cupid's Arrow While Viewing This Video! Your Heart Will Be Held Hostage!
This Russian girl's beauty is simply captivating. No teenage girls anywhere else in their world will give you that same feeling that this girl does. The Communist Chinese dictator, Xi Jinping, probably watches this same girl's TikTok channel every day; and when he does so in his study den, he likely tells his wife to stay out of there before he shuts and locks the door to it.
If I ever get the opportunity to interview this same girl in person, I will definitely not miss out on it. I'll probably need a Russian interpreter to do so, but it will be well worth the trip to the other side of the world to do so as well as the time.
Once I get the interview with this same girl, any of you who follow me regularly here on the PEAKD writing platform will be among the first to get to see the initial publication of my article pertaining to it. Fair enough?
3. Final Thoughts
Joe Biden is going to lose a multitude of votes in this upcoming presidential election if he ratifies the TikTok ban. The courts are going to push back against it too, because it goes into conflict with the American laws that protect free enterprise here in the land of milk and honey.
Teenage sexuality is a reality, and banning TikTok is not going to stop Americans from acknowledging it. Teenage girls are going to find a way to express their beauty and femininity on camera no matter what Congress and Joe Biden decide. Therefore, they might as well get used to it.
Now, if TikTok really is posing a danger to national security, then that's a different story. I touched upon that same concern in my article titled "Millennial And Gen-X Women? You Made The Monster! So Stop Complaining!" However, if a bunch of Chinese military higher-ups are seeking to gawk at a harem of teenage American schoolgirls showing their moves on camera in whatever sexy apparel they choose to wear, well, they're going to find a way to do so anyhow no matter what the fate of TikTok may be.
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