The Top 6 Teensiest Things in the World

in #news6 years ago

Yes indeed! It is the nature of the humans to discover new things and compete with one another whatever the field is, they always try to analyse and reveal different things from different categories and here i am today from one of these humans to examine a really interesting thing, i.e The top 6 tiniest things in this small planet so lets start :)

Starting from the number 6 now is the TINIEST PENCIL which breaks the previous record set by Australian Jake Gargiulo.

australian pencil.PNG
(previous record)

A man from Northern India just set a new world record for this smallest pencil in the world and its only 5 mm long and half a millimeter wide.

tiny pencil.PNG
(New Record)

Let's move on to NUMBER 5. Here's a particularly dumb one. The world's smallest chair. A Jordanian man named Majid Yusuf made these wood and metal chairs that apparently only stand 4.5 mm high. Does it count as a chair if nobody can sit in it?

smallest chair.PNG

NUMBER 4: Coming towards now the animals and that's something tiny I can get on board with, like this is the white-toothed pygmy shrew, and guess what? It's the smallest known mammal in the world.

pygmy shrew.png

It weighs on average about 1/16 of an ounce and it has short whiskers and 30 teeth

30 teeth.PNG

NUMBER 3: Next we have the worlds smallest Lizard. I am a freak for reptiles and lizzards. Found in Madagascar, this chameleon reaches a maximum length of 29 mm. It's about the size of a match head.


NUMBER 2: Next we have the world's smallest, tiniest little fish. It was actually just discovered in the last decade. The little, tiny fish's name is very hard to pronounce. The fish was called the Paedocypris progenetica.The fish was discovered on the islands of Sumatra. They measure about 7.9 mm.


NUMBER 1: Now I'm done with animals. I want to stop talking about animals. We're gonna talk about a car and being a mechanical engineer I always search about this kind of stuff particularly. So here it is the Peel P50. It was a 3 wheeled car manufactured from 1962 to 1965. In 2010, It was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for the smallest car ever manufactured. It didn't have a REVERSE GEAR though, so sounds less cute and more like a nightmare.


But since it was so light weight, you could just push it. Physically. It was about $2,200, which still seems too expensive for a car that doesn't reverse.

smallest car.PNG

So what's your favorite tiny, little thing on this list? Let me know in the comments down below.
I would like to cite some sources from which I gathered all this information and I pay a huge credit to all of them.


I hope you like it. Cheers :)