A Response to The New Yorkers “Is America Headed for a New Kind of Civil War?”

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Wow! Last week was by far the craziest week in the Trump Era. The Alt-Right and Alt-Left battled it out on the campus of UVA and on the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia. The bobbleheads in the fake stream media have gone ballistic covering this story day and night and today I will be responding to an article on The New Yorker written by Robin Wright titled “Is America Headed for a New Kind of Civil War?” For me this is a very important topic that every American should contemplate about. The U.S. government is gridlocked, the national debt is almost $20 Trillion, college campuses have essentially become Marxists institutions that are going down the abyss of nihilism, race relations are in the worst state since the 1960’s, and trust in the mainstream media are at record lows.

The article starts with the question “How fragile is the Union, our republic, and a country that has long been considered the world’s most stable democracy?” She asks D.C. insider Keith Mines, who traveled around the world as a soldier and diplomat studying civil wars in other countries. Keith is terrified about the state of this so called “Union” and cited five conditions he thinks can lead to civil war: entrenched national polarization, with no obvious meeting place for resolution; increasingly divisive press coverage and information flows; weakened institutions, notably Congress and the judiciary; a sellout or abandonment of responsibility by political leadership; and the legitimization of violence as the “in” way to either conduct discourse or solve disputes. All of these symptoms are clearly apparent in everyday life. Then Keith and several other national security experts were asked by Foreign Policy about the likeness of a second American civil war. The answers ranged from five to ninety-five percent. I believe that there is a one hundred percent chance of a second civil war and i think it will happen between 2020 and 2021. I say that because of the upcoming Alt-right rallies that are planned for the next two months to the 2018 Midterms to the 2020 Presidential election. All these events that will take place in the next three years will further polarize the American populace so much, it will certainly lead to widespread violence. Throughout history we have seen civilizations that become so polarized that reasonable dialogue stops, and violence commences. That is the state we are in.

Before Charlottesville happened, Robin interviewed Yale historian David Blight about the parallels between Antebellum America and modern America. David pointed out the fact that the major political parties like the Whig Party and the Democratic Party split into two or completely collapsed in the 1850’s, which is the fate of our current two major parties, he also points out how incompetency in the Presidency can lead to disaster, James Buchanan didn’t care when the southern states seceded and Trump won’t act against the rise of white nationalism because it was an important ingredient that brought him to the White House. A major factor that was left out of in the article is the state of the economy. The Federal Reserve want to keep raising interest rates, which means that federal government has to pay more and more interest on its debts, the inevitable bubbles that will pop like the student loan debt bubble, stock market bubble, housing bubble, and the many dollar notes in circulation in foreign nations that will come back to the U.S. and cause hyperinflation when other countries find out the FED’s world wide scam. The final thing I would like to say is is taking down Confederate statues that are hundreds of years old worth the life of that young woman and the many other people that are going to die as a result of SJW Democratic Mayors and Governors that have nothing to with their time except instigating a large group of people that are emboldened by the election of Trump and the fame they are receiving by taking down the statues of their ancestors? Is this the beginning of the end of the “American experiment?” Comment down below about what you think will happen in the next couple of years.

Article Link: http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/is-america-headed-for-a-new-kind-of-civil-war