in #news8 years ago

If his intentions were to intimate the world of his nuclear arsenal, well he did. His stake in the succession is near perfection of his forefathers' destructive capability dreams. But their dreams are a nightmare to which neither Trump's bellicose remarks or UN sanctions can expel.

We all remember how Trump unwittingly promised to compromise not just Korean safety but the lives of over 30thousand American service men in the region with fire and fury the likes of which the world has never experienced. Certainly the world is revolving around whims of these two erratic men. To call of Trump's bluff, Kim fire and intermediate range missile along Japanese coast and today he induced an earthquake with his new hydrogen bomb. And reports have it that this bomb is 10 times potent that anything he ever tested. Maybe his show is just a message to Trump or just a deliberate act of folly, what is clear is that the world can't ignore his indiscretions.
The world cannot just shy away with meaningless sanctions while he perfects his scheme of terror. The biggest weaponry in this regard is China. China has hold of over 80 percent of North Korean impoverished economy but its sanctions remain stringent and incapable of instilling reason in this juvenile dictator. This might as well be considered an act of collusion, but China is too strong to be questioned.

If there will be any change in this madness turned status quo, President Xi has to acknowledge, in BRICS, his country’s role in downplaying this maniac. And with the collective effort of the United Nations, an end can be put to Kim's erratic reign of terror.