Telegram, the rival instant messaging application of WhatsApp, disappeared from the App Store that supplies Apple devices. Also the alternative version, Telegram X, was deleted from the store on the block.
Given the rumors that were launched through the networks, its creator, Pavel Durov, has assured that it is a minor error that will be corrected in the next few hours. This "minor error" would be that the Cupertino company would have found "inappropriate content" in the messaging application, which has 100 million users worldwide.
According to some of these Internet users, Telegram allows creating content distribution channels to which users, voluntarily, subscribe to receive updates, and here the problem could come. Or the fact that some line of undue code was included.
The fact that it has been removed from the App Store does not mean that iOS users can not use it. If you have previously downloaded the tool, you will not have any problem executing it, although you will not be able to update it.
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