Indeed, I was entirely lost for words when I heard that Japan had gone to great lengths, and then committed themselves to host the Olympics (Brazil this year really set the tone) and ramping up their military expenditures (to much local resentment) whilst the residents of the evacuation zone still remain in the fema-like housing situation. They are unlikely to address the matter in that time, too.
Yeah, the farmers are the ones who lost their entire livelihood, as you know they pushed the Eat Fukushima food agenda quite hard for a while, with what seemed to be some notable push back domestically. Internationally, though... it continues unabated I'm afraid via the same avenue the World over . What's worse is that if what local citizen journalists are reporting is true, this essentially created a new 'Buraku' caste as trying to migrate and assimilate into other prefectures is impossible.
Vitrification has been a useful means to contain the liquids/waste, but I'm afraid given the situation to date and despite these efforts it still won't solve the issue anytime soon.
See, I suck at social media stuff and usually avoid it al; together, but I'm on several Slacks but I thought you had to be invited to join as that is how I initially joined. I tried joining both but I got errors when I tried logging in with my credentials and the electricchain slack is stating I need to have a specific email domain from what i assume are partner institutions. What am I doing wrong?
Hi can you please contact us off this platform, then we can figure out how to add you into ElectriCChain. For example going over to BitCoinTalk and then messaging us.
Wow... I can't even remember the last time I logged into BTF, it has before the shutdown of SR; but, yeah I can do that.
Speak to you then.