It is early and there are all kinds of theories already forming. It is likely many of them will be false. It is too early to discount anything.
I just helped @newsagg put together their daily headlines and I was exposed to so many different ideas since that headlines post always tries to aggregate news from all the different perspectives and views rather than pushing one side.
This is my post that I wanted to throw out there with my initial observations and thoughts about this. It is still far too early and I mostly don't have opinions yet on most of this. I do on a few things though.
- Currently there are over 500 people that were shot and I've heard over 50 shot.
- It was the Harvest Country Music Festival in Las Vegas and the shooting happened last night.
- Shootings came from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay
- Those windows on that floor do not open so they had to be shot out.
- The rooms were picked out in advance.
- The weapons used were automatic weapons. This means they were already illegal and banned. So gun control would not have changed anything in this event.
- The shooter allegedly died of a self inflicted gunshot wound. It is confusing if this occurred as they were breaching, or he was found that way.
- The room was found allegedly due to setting off a smoke detector.
- Supposedly there were 10 guns in the single room.
- There were actually TWO windows shot out in the Mandalay Bay. If the rooms are very large it could be one room, otherwise it is curious why they are only speaking of one room. EDIT: I believe it is one room... see lower in the post. I believe it was likely an Executive King Suite.
- ISIS has taken credit for this attack. They claim the shooter recently converted to their movement.
- A Witness has been interviewed indicating that 45 minutes before the event a woman was telling them "you are all going to die" talking about the concert. She and her boyfriend with her were allegedly hispanic/mexican according to the witness. I'll say from experience with a friend of half philipino descent that some people can pass as hispanic, arabian, asian, etc. Why do I say this, my friend can. So they may have been what the witness claimed. Yet they may not have been. It is early.
- There were some gun control related bills and movements coming up in Washington right before this.
- Hillary Clinton and other Celebrities immediately jumped on this to call for gun control. Yet, these guns were already illegal. It did nothing.
- Events happened all over last night. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada had an event. Two women were killed in France by a man who cut their throats as he shouted "ala akkbar" (spelled wrong).
- Many hijab wearing women were encountered over the weekend in Texas (by Alex Jones) at a gun range. They were practicing shooting automatic weapons. I don't think this is relevant to this particular event, but I provide it as another little piece of recent information in case it is relevant at all in the future.
- The family of the shooter Stephen Paddock indicate this shooting came as a surprise as their brother supposedly had no political or religious affiliations.
- He had hunting and fishing licenses.
- Did not have automatic weapons licenses which it turns out you can get.
- EDIT: Antifa is allegedly ALSO taking claim for this. With recent undercover exposure of plans in Antifa it is possible.
- EDIT: Allegedly the gun that we hear firing on the videos is a belt fed gun.
- EDIT: Listening to Infowars. FBI source just told Alex that the guy did not kill himself. The FBI did the hit, and that there was Antifa material in the room as well as a photo of a woman from the middle east. This is from the Hostage Rescue team. The guy was supposedly shooting at the FBI so they took him out. Apparently there was Antifa paraphenalia all over the place. Who knows. He has people from CIA informing him of things similar as well.
Let's see where that goes. That is all I know at the moment. That is also the limit of my current opinions.
EDIT: First of likely several edits.
It is possible those windows are the same room and it is just big.
The way that curves and looks that does look like a possible explanation for what we are seeing that would make it a single room.
EDIT 2: Some witnesses claim there were two shooters.
Was Stephen Paddock a patsy?
EDIT 3: Antifa ties? Like I said a lot of speculations will come out. I share them all as it is too early to know which clues might end up being important.
EDIT 4: Is Antifa Behind the Las Vegas Terror Shooting?
EDIT 5: So I keep hearing reference to the Bolshevik Revolution and referring to the fact that Antifa wishes to do something similar. I know a little bit about that Revolution, but I haven't looked into it a lot.
For example I did not know that the name Red October refers to the Bolshevik Revolution.
Antifa is largely Marxists, and this is indeed something they endorse.
EDIT: 6 Marilou Danley: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
- Authorities Released Danley’s Name as a ‘Person of Interest’ & Said She Was Paddock’s Roommate
NOTE: she is actually blurred in this photo. This is clearly where Stephen's shot on all the news came from.
Could someone mistake Danley for being a Hispanic/Mexican?
- Danley Referred to Herself as a ‘Proud Mom & Grandma’ on Facebook
She had attended a concert at Mandalay Bay in the past.
- Danley Described Herself as a Former High-Limit Casino Hostess
EDIT 7: The first few minutes of this if it turns out true are HUGE.

Gun control doesn't really sound like a solution to these kind of shootings at all. It's kind of shameful when celebs and state propagandists use happenings like these to push their own agenda's...
Not confirmed, but those windows are in the same suite.
I did some google fu. I updated the post. I think the windows both were for the same Executive King Suite. Thanks for inspiring me to see if I could find some info.
SO it could just be a big suite? I knew that was possible, but I hadn't heard any confirmation.
I heard a report on the radio this morning that the shooter lived in a room "full of guns" and that several off duty officers attending the concert were shot. I saw a post a minute ago stating that the Islamic State claimed responsibility, but given the shooter's name it sounds doubtful... That's all I got so far.
link to the abc report on ISIS claim
Yep there are a couple different links on the @newsagg headlines today also including zerohedge, infowars, and others.
Ok... ABC- must be right! I had a minute to scan through my feed, I didn't look at the post, just yours and DW's
there is a deluge of info going on right now
just trying to sort out one piece of verifiable data at a time
Don't forget Sturgeon's Law...
an adage commonly cited as "ninety percent of everything is crap".
which really applies in these cases
If you read my stuff... "90% of Sci-Fi is bullshit because 90% of everything is BS!"
Yeah, it does look like it could have been a single room even with the two windows. I updated my post with some screenshots from the Hotel website for the Executive King Suite. It does look very possible.
Everything I heard was really sketchy, but from what I gathered, he was a LV resident that didn't live at the hotel... I'm probably wrong- it's just what I thought after hearing it this morn.
Yeah there is a lot of WEIRDNESS around this. I've updated the post several times as I get more information.
I'll check it out... I've been trying to get chapters for the book edited and sent off to Marty for the art and layout. I should really start proofing before I post! Ah, the joys of grammar...
"As Sean entered the receptionist..."
"As Sean entered, the receptionist..." LOL!!!
Hahaha.... Each of those appropriate depending on your audience. :)
In the context of a business meeting...
it is...interesting...that Islamist or BLM mass murders are relatively straightforward in actors and victims, with a lot of excuse-making and downplay by the media and politicians...and the shootings that serve the Narrative have always been fishy in nature.
It is possible Paddock was just a nut who conveniently shot a bunch of people two weeks before gun control legislation is set to be discussed
hmm, I haven't verified this yet
We need a closer look at Marilou and her movements
Apparently I was crying in my sleep last night and I woke up crying. My spidy senses are in overdrive. This whole event reeks of something foul. The heart ache surrounding is almost palpable. I believe more than justice will come out of this, and I pray it's in the direction for healing. Real true cultural healing. We need it so bad.
so how hard would it be to kidnap someone, kill them, then leave their body in the room as a diversion after shooting out the window for a while.
Ten guns huh? Belt Fed? the way...I read that the guy was a retiree living in Mesquite.
Hard to say at the moment. @stevescoins and I are basically just doing a rapid info dump as we find out things. I know a lot of our ideas will likely be false. Yet it is too early to discount things.
Those windows look to be quite a ways apart...
can't you just imagine the guy shooting out one window...with uncanny accuracy...hitting someone hundreds of yards a way (it was on the 32 floor? That's a hundred yards straight up isn't it?)...then running over to the other window...shooting out that window...(with uncanny accuracy...hitting someone hundreds of yards away )....
until he killed fifty people and injured five hundred.
He'd have to hit someone with every between sprints from window to window.
pretty amazing for an old retiree.
Well... listening to the audio for what he was shooting and seeing some of the concert footage. It was around 20,000+ people in a field pretty densely packed watching a concert.
Then the automatic fire begins. If he was a good shot I think the damage would be way worse than it is.
I think they (and yeah there could be more than one) just opened up with an automatic weapon on that crowd and due to the density and the initial confusion he didn't really have to be able to aim very well.
There is some fishy stuff though.
Latest info from the Hostage Response Team that killed him that has been leaked is that he didn't kill himself. He shot at that team and they killed him. It is alleged that there was a ton of antifa material there.
Yet the news is talking about the suicide and no info about Antifa.
I think this is going to be one of those huge events that keeps being looked into for some time.
best I can recall (from shooting them) is that M-16's don't make a lot of noise.
they're just .22's after all.
I've been invited to concerts...which I declined....I don't do crowds.
Crowds are target rich environments..
Don't be a target.
Last I heard this was a belt fed automatic.
that would be thirty cal?
aren't those kinda heavy?
That has been the mystery... they supposedly were tripod(actually bipod not tripod) mounted. He alegedly had 10 guns in the room.
Though one possible thing other than chain fed (military specialists think it sounds chain fed) is that it was semi-automatics with a crank mechanism attached to them that you can crank to make it fall faster and that will also give a little bit of the varied velocity sound that can also happen a bit with chain fed.
A lot of info. Still no clue which of it will survive.
sounded like full auto to me; could be 223.
its been a long time
'spray and pray'....?
pretty much. packed in crowd. distance of 1400 ft (460 yds)
can you source this one?
I'm seeing folks post a Trump twitter pic which alleges the FBI told Trump this was antifa, but I don't see the actual tweet on his feed
I always wonder how many folks are actually infowar ops sowing a chaff fiedl, and how many people there are just screwing around
Alex Jones is saying that his source at the FBI is telling him this. Antifa material in the room and that the guy was shot by the FBI HRT Team
thank you, can you link the page?
Watch the Infowars video... I saw him get a text and tell his team not to film his phone at the end of the video right before the one I shared. They cover that within the first 3 minutes of the video I share.
Manually curated by @openparadigm for @informationwar
I do not watch TV,so .... not current on spin, propaganda.
"ISIS has taken credit for this attack." should read CIA.
"Hillary Clinton and other Celebrities immediately jumped on this to call for gun control." means only police and soldiers have guns,so not anti gun....just not public ownership.. just creates bigger window of opportunity for those who ignore law anyway! leaves you defenseless!
As for Bolshevism being biggest,lets not forget the Native Americans who were killed by the millions!!!!
All I can say is it is a tragedy! and they will use it to exert more control over us!
and to warn everyone to think 100-1000 times before you voluntarily give up your right's,or guns!
The best defense starts w/ self defense! Namaste!
I don't either. Though I do keep my finger on the internet. ;)
Super thorough post. It was no bad idea to follow you.
Regarding the topic: I wonder what Trump will do now.
He sure is getting hit by so many fronts at once. I'd pay more attention to other people. This could be a good smoke screen. I also think it is likely we will see more of this soon. That is not a good thing.
I would laugh my ass off if leftists would now yell to deport white males.
Trump is used to the heat. I mean MSN and CNN publish anti-trump posts every day for almost a year now.
Actually it's been more than a year. They started before he was elected. :)
By the way Dwinblood, I am looking for a mentor who can teach me how to make more money on Steemit.
You would be perfect for that role. I can not offer you anything in return but the pleasure of bringing me up to your level.
I am working hard on Steemit everyday. Writing comments for 4 hours and posting an article per day + networking.
But I know that I don't know enough and you could help me to get smarter and be successful here on Steemit.
What do you think?
Haha so true, these globalists are brainwashed to suicide.
Buen post @dwinblood, interesante la descripción...
Saludos desde Ecuador :)
Just a terrible, tragic event!
rip to those innocent peoples killed in such brutal attack....
Inb4 Trump is going to say that "we condemn violence from all sides" and everybody will lose their mind.
Thanks for this update.
Yep, watch for the spin.
didn't know you were helping out @newsagg; that's cool.
I'm going to add a link to your post here on my blog:
Interesting the info and your personal insights into what they mean and could represent ! Well I watched a few films and I did distinctly indentify two seperate weapons firing simultaneously ! So only one shooter, white recently converted !!?? weird !! Especially dying from a self inflicted wound, smells like a patsy dead body to me !1 I go for more a professionally planned group who did it then dumped a body to take the heat off !! We live terrible times and we need to stop all this madness !
Yes, and the couple that threatened a lady 45 minutes before it began saying "you are all going to die" was certainly not white. So they were not the person found dead in the room.
Thank you for the detailed reporting and edits as you found more accurate information. I only had a chance to hear this morning that it happened, but didn't get any details.
Thanks for posting this!
So many people saying so many different things without sourcing them that I was getting a headache. THIS is much more informative and helpful than anything else I've seen thus far.
It doesn't do much good on something like this to not try to provide sources. I am learning about this just like everyone else so we all need the pieces. Time will tell on all of this, but mainly I don't want anything important to be brushed under the rug. It is therefore important to check while it is early and before things can be disappeared.
Thank you. This is the first post I have read that actually gives some real facts about what happened in Las Vegas. There is much more to this story. Likely we will never hear the full truth. I hate giving anyone credit for this horrific act of violence as it is attention undeserved. Do I think he was a lone wolf ? Absolutely not. This was way to well organized. Thanks for your post. 🐓🐓
Those windows are looking beautiful..lovely posting
This is all very saddening and raise a question on the humanity. How many laws we have , for gun control or any other stuff, we are helpless in front of these incidents.
Sadly I suspect this is just beginning. The Cult of Antifa alegedly is being unleashed supposedly on November 4th, but many suspected it might happen before then to correspond to the anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution.
Let us see what is revealed.
Excellent re-cap. You won a new follower.
Reminds us of Charles Whitman and the University of Texas Tower Shootings, which were ALLEGEDLY, perpetrated by only 1 man. David McGowan's "Programmed to Kill" says otherwise.
Anytime there is an event like this you have to keep watch on what is being passed while they are keeping us entertained by looking elsewhere. Till it is no longer a fluid situation anything and everything is on the table...
Yep, and watch for information that might be noticed before it can be hidden.
So agree on that one!
Good observations, but what a tragedy,.. so many people,.. it hurts,.. world is crazy.

I agree. Yet I also know that in incidents like this it is important for us to remain vigilant and watch for sleight of hand, and opportunity seekers.
It looks like America just got hit by the second false flag this century after 911 to take place on American soil and involve real deaths rather than crisis actors and dummies.
Is this the next stage in zionist plan B? For 70 years they have been locking Palestinians in walled off zones and slaughtering them with American military weapons, while America not only did nothing but footed the bill.
Now that the Palestine genocide part of the plan is nearly complete, it's looking like the zionists have moved onto the next stage - start slaughtering Americans.
Even here on Steemit, some people are quoting Alex "zionist shill" Jones, but it's a safe bet he won't be revealing any real information.
Las Vegas was a bunch of people locked in a cage and mown down with a military machine gun, while some poor sap was set up and blamed for it. Standard zionist tactics...
I'm curious as to how he could fire so many shots cosecutively without his gun overheating. Even on a rifle designed for rapidfire there is some heat build-up, a semi-auto modded to automatic shouldn't have been able to sustain such consecutive fire without seizing or otherwise failing. I'll be interested to hear the details of the modding.
From what I've heard it was a belt fed automatic. It did pause as well you hear it on various videos.
it sad what happened in las vegas , maybe the leaders would take gun control serious cause this is one of the worst shooting ever to have happened in the U.S,
That's the joke.
Gun control wouldn't have done a damn thing to stop this.
It was apparently a belt fed automatic weapon. In otherwords, illegal already.
So gun control wouldn't do a thing.
In fact, if a person is planning on shooting people do you think they care about laws?
"Oh I better not shoot people with automatic weapons as it is illegal"
Gun control only takes weapons away from people not planning to commit crimes. Criminals smile as they know they are the ones with the weapons.
There have been quite a few recent events that would have been much worse if gun control were in place. They were stopped by citizens with guns.
In addition, just look at gun attacks happening in countries that do have gun control like France.
yet, even with gun control it wouldn't have done a thing here.
Banning anything doesn't work.
It just creates a black market and a criminal network. It doesn't work with guns, with drugs, with books, with movies, etc. It didn't work with alcohol prohibition.
It increases crime.
You seeing any pics across the web? I am not seeing any of bodies/blood/family members at hospitals, no videos of folks....
I just spoke to a friend. One of his employees daughter was injured and her friend was killed. So they are real people, not actors.
I am sorry to hear that.
I don't tend to look for that type of stuff. I haven't looked yet.
Most times you don't have to look, it is smeared all over the place.