I believe sharing this video and transcript is important. I know quite a bit about security, hacking, fingerprints in servers, and networking. I've been an outspoken critic of the Russian Hacking narrative as being false since it was announced. I've written some posts about it here on steemit.
Roger Stone was asked to appear before this committee before. I believe he wanted it public and they pulled out and cancelled at the last minute. This latest round they didn't back out. They however, still did not want it public. Why the secrecy? Is this due process? Is this transparency? After the precedent set in how they dealt with Paul Manafort it fell upon Roger Stone to plan ahead.
He prepared this statement in advance with attorneys. He had Infowars publish it WHILE he was in the committee hearing so they could then not come out an SPIN it an lie about what he stated. There are allegations they have been doing this with other hearings.
I just watched all of this video. I think Roger Stone did a pretty thorough job of eviscerating this entire narrative. As such, I thought it my duty to share the information here as well.
There is a detailed transcript of this as well as links to source material at the infowars post. I am not going to repost that here. It had a wealth of detail and if you prefer to read, rather than watch the video I recommend you go there. If you wish to see the citations and sources to back up his claims they are there as well.
Now sometimes people will ask me about past articles of my own I refer to. You need not read them, but I am linking some of them here for those of you that may wish to know more about the Russian Hacking related things I've written about.
- Is there evidence of "Russian" hacking or is it in fact alphabet agency propaganda? - 9 months ago
- Catching a hacker... how much does media play upon public ignorance? - 8 months ago
- The Truth... The Lies... The Hacking... French Fries... - 8 months ago

They should give the russian thing a break
No one believes it.
They are destroying what (little) credibility they have left.
On the other hand. They've shown their hand. It is good if they keep destroying their credibility. :)
The sheeple don't care about credibility. They just react to the propaganda.
Sad but true
The same hidden power groups that were pushing Obama birth certificate are pushing the Russian story.
This is why:
In 2008 Engineered economy crash.
Two angry sectors of society: Young of all ethnic groups and working middle class especially white.
Engineered election mode kicks in.
“Black” Obama as president to absorb first group (occupy wall st.) and T party to absorb second group.
Game goes on.
“White trash” are angry now of having black in the white house.
Young are angry and disappointed on their black president and the whole system because they got distracted by republicans fighting him and the certificate story.
Engineered election mode kicks in again.
“Grandpa” Bernie as a temporary short time anger management fix.
Trump to the rescue and absorption of angry whites “Hidden Trump voters surprised everyone” hahahah.
Game goes on.
Our team lost the game. We are pissed off and we will protest “Even everyone knows that president can’t do anything on his own and he is a vessel for the congress”.
“American’s casino” is filling bankruptcy under the chapter of “nuclear war alternative option threat of un predictable president“. While trump supporters are distracted by the Russian story.
Introducing the engineered new election system and new engineered worldwide economic rules which already put together by the elite without borders.
And new Long cycle starts over again.
Who is the engineer?
Call 911 and press number 7 to find out.
The end result is the same.
One Dog leads ten thousands sheep.
For me it belongs to the catagory Ethical Hacker. Every country/government watches others, and use that information for strategical decisions and their OWN security... we all take care for ourselves, and do the things which are in our control.
Well the issue is that the leaked information was legitamet and was criminal. Yet they are more concerned with the messenger.
That's besides the point. Their claims are technologically not possible and haven't been since they initially made them. Yet if people only know CSI, and Television interpretations of chasing criminals on the internet they tend to buy into it. Yet the televised versions of such things is very fictional and not realistic in terms of what can be found, what steps need to be undertaken to catch them, etc. It makes for good TV. It makes for very bad reality.
Think you might get some interest out of it!
thought of you when I read it!
No comments on this subject,not one of my areas of knowledge,so mums the word...
NamasteGood day to you @dwinblood. Wanted to make sure you saw @timcliff post on #discussion tag.
Nope. I haven't seen his post. Not sure which one you are talking about as he has many different posts when I look at his profile with the word discussion in it and when I click on the tag that is quite full as well. Do you have a specific post I should look at?
Here you go.
Namaste https://steemit.com/discussion/@timcliff/hey-steemains-let-s-start-a-discussion
Thank you for sharing the video. If this doesn't give pause to people, especially the media, then nothing will. I've long believed the whole thing was crap made up as an effort to punish Trump and his presidency that wasn't supposed to happen. Let's see where the actual Trump and associates investigation leads and how far out they go to try to connect things that aren't really connected. They have a lot riding on this and they couldn't possibly come up empty handed could they? That would just be too embarrassing.
Well now apparently they are looking at taxes of Trump and people associated with him going back 11 years. They've moved from Russia to Finances...
I'd think the statute of limitations should run out on anything that far back IF they even found anything, but it does show it clearly to be the witch hunt that it is.
In related news, fox castigates investigation into hen house incident.
Also if you can refute anything that has been stated, do so. If you read or watch Roger Stone's statement and you can refute it do so. If you can't and this was you just trumpeting and trying to say B.S. without any research then don't bother.
Have a link?
Also just so I don't seem harsh. I don't know what you are talking about so I was covering my bases. Didn't know if you were being a smart ass, or if you actually know something. That's why I asked for a link. The other response is for if I was supposed to see your response as attacking the news in the post. Which if you have a legit attack that refutes it then I definitely am interested. I just ask that it be evidence based and not opinion based.
I would never deny being a smart ass.
But Stone has a history of being loose with the facts
for instance. http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/301094-jessica-leeds-is-not-the-same-woman-who-fought-the-trump-organization-in
Can I refute anything he said today? Of course not, but neither can anyone without subpoena power. Mueller can vindicate Stone, or maybe prosecute him. Time will tell.
But I certainly have no reason to accept Stone's protestations of innocence as gospel.
This is true. Yet there is also no reason to attack without evidence. There is plenty of that bullshit going on all over the place. Intelligent people need to rise above it. We need to quit working off of assumptions, and presumptions. I know it is easier said than done. ;)