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RE: Could Khizr Khan Be the Reason Donald Trump Loses?

in #news9 years ago

He could be. Not for logical or reason based reasons as there were none there that could not also be applied to Hillary. She has actually been responsible for American deaths due to her actions. Trump may also have such things at his feet, but that is a MIGHT because he hasn't been in a position to do such. Clinton has... and fumbled it big time. Not to mention she is perhaps the most corrupt politician I can find in U.S. history.

I am not a Trump supporter. If he is a Demon, Hillary is the Devil. Who commands the demons?

Lesser of two evils is still evil, people need to stop voting for evil. They need to stop endorsing people they acknowledged as being a criminal (looking at Bernie Sanders).

You can choose NOT to vote, or you can realize you have other choices besides the two circus acts getting the media attention and blinding you to the fact there are other choices. Check out Gary Johnson, or Jill Stein. They are both FAR more sane than the choices the media is force feeding you.

Donald Trump: "You have sacrificed nothing and no one."

What I am getting at is you could just as easily replace Donald Trump with Hillary Clinton in that statement. This entire article is an appeal to emotion.

(I still up voted it though)

Clinton did sacrifice though... she sacrificed other people who had no tie to her emotionally.