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RE: The “Pit of Despair Experiment” Trump is Recreating

in #news6 years ago

Not to mention it's been going on at least since the late 1970s with the current laws, and was upped by a bill voted on by a Democrat lead congress in 2002.

The only difference now. Trump is president. Trump = bad. Trump gone = only issue many of these people seem to grasp.

Common sense, rational thought, and reason be damned. All they care about is emotion.

Compassion untempered by reason leads to folly.


It's something I call Trump Derangement Syndrome. It is caused by believing the MSM.

Yeah the MSM is the Priests and they approach it much like a religion.

The type of religion most people would call a cult.

All religions start out as cults. :) It is only when they become "Accepted" by most that they stop being labeled as such.

assuming they don't commit mass suicide first.

True that. Though that suicide can come in many forms. Jihad, Crusades, etc. :)