Great post, and one that needs particular attention in the West; sadly, it's being overshadowed by the propagandized nature of film & entertainment. Not really a surprise, but that's the current state that we find ourselves in.
Just yesterday I mentioned that either Last Men in Aleppo or Icarus was going to win and one does not need to be some kind of expert on the matter to make such a prediction. It's all about asking two questions:
1. Who gains?
2. Who's in control for those gains to happen?
That's it.
That's the essence of finding the motivating factor that drives people to push extreme ideas for public notice. For people to eat it up is a whole different area in itself; emotional, ideological, circumstantial factors all come into play. Last Men in Aleppo & Icarus are emotive films, they belong to an ideology and a narrative that has been shoved down people's throats since 2008 (Russian demonization began right after the 2008 South Ossetia conflict or coincided with Russia's rapid economic growth)
They are also victims of circumstance; the propagandists need to push ideas in times when they are desperately needed. US influence in Syria and the Russian bogey-man narrative fitting in with the traditional Atlanticist vs. Eurasianist rivalry.
When it comes to children being used in such a disgusting (yet effective) way is nothing new. I recommend reading RTBF's summary of how images of children can spark that extra cog in the minds of the public
P.S: It's great that you're posting for posterity; people may one day use the cyber-grassroots movements as studies in this debate.
I already mentioned who is gaining from it all. I have now put a very large 2nd post together on this subject with lots of images and links pointing at such.
Now Playing on Dtube: Hollywood Caught Exploiting Eight Year Old Daughter of Terrorist in Syria For Women's Empowerment Movement at Oscars 2018 Ceremony
Agreed, that emotionalism is used to motivate people towards socialism, communism, apathy, ignorance, selfishness, arrogance, abuse: we see that in Hollywood and in music. The left has been dominating education for a long time. And leftist education has been going against @stefan.molyneux. And the media has been going against @cernovich for decades. So, what can we do to pull zombies out of the Hell-Holes that are dominated by the left in education, entertainment, media, etc? What can we do better?