"This is simply unbridled religious bigotry. For the Dean to suggest that speakers must not side with Christians on cultural issues lest they be banned from campus raises serious questions concerning his competence. Is he suggesting that only those who side against Christians are welcomed?" --Mike Adams |
University of Montana Dean of Journalism Larry Abramson?
Grizzly Bigotry
Mike Adams, a feisty academic voice of reason, was recently "dis-invited" to speak on the campus of the University of Montana by Dean of Journalism Larry Abramson. Abramson's rationale was spelled out in Abramson's email to the benefactor who sponsored the engagement:
“If you jump in at 3:30 on the link at the bottom, you can hear (Dr. Adams) talking about his opposition to tolerance of transgender accommodations. He appears to be siding with Christians in the “culture war.” In this one [See article for Youtube link] he talks about his efforts to make sure that abortion providers give time to Christian speakers, in the interest of freedom of speech. He also talks about the prevalence of “cultural Marxism,” and exclusively speaks on right wing sites. In this one, [See article for Youtube link] he talks about why he will no longer allow “illegal aliens” into his classes. I think we can find a speaker who will talk about free speech issues, without running the risk of offending students. We can still have a conversation with him if you want, but he is pretty extreme in his views.”
"Without running the risk of offending students?"
Larry Abramson's Mother?
God forbid anyone should be "offended" by opposing views!
Adam's response, addressed to UM's President Stearns (prestalk@umontana.edu), is a great read as he responds to every one of Abramson's contentions. Here's a taste:
- Transgender litmus test
- Siding with Christians
- Not offending students
In the speech to which the Dean links, I express my support for the controversial HB2 bill. At the time I expressed that view the majority of the people who live in my state agreed with me. Thus, it is not an extreme view. It is a mainstream view, which the Dean rejects. It is hardly a view that would warrant my exclusion from a campus in Montana where the majority of the people surely agree with me on this issue.
This is simply unbridled religious bigotry. For the Dean to suggest that speakers must not side with Christians on cultural issues lest they be banned from campus raises serious questions concerning his competence. Is he suggesting that only those who side against Christians are welcomed?
Finally, the Dean of Journalism states that he cannot allow for the mere risk that his students will be offended. Thus, the Dean is engaging in prior restraint of all speech that could potentially offend someone. Let that sink in as you continue to ponder this man’s competence to serve as Dean of Anything much less the Dean of Journalism.
You can read Adams' entire letter here.
Exterminate Capitalists!
A tip of the hat to Anthony Gockowski:
A socialist student group at Iowa State University has repeatedly made threatening comments about conservatives on social media, but the school says the comments are protected speech.
In one recent tweet, the school’s Young Democratic Socialists of America (YDSA) chapter called for the hanging and extermination of all “capitalists.”
To recap: University officials openly state that threatening the life of the President of the United States is "free speech." Somehow, I do not think the Secret Services sees it that way.
'Trigger Warnings' -- for Shakespeare? -- At CAMBRIDGE?
English literature undergrads at Cambridge University were warned about a lecture on two plays by William Shakespeare that would include references to sexual violence and sexual assault. The warnings were intended to give students who may be upset about those topics an excuse to miss the lecture.
Cambridge? Really?
Anyone who is "triggered" by fictional violence will not be able to function in the real world. But it hardly matters. Trigger warnings are not meant to protect students as much as they are used to protect faculty members. They are terrified of speaking about controversial subjects lest the school administration penalize them for it.
How embarrassing for the British - thank you, Rick Moran, for that one.
Deconstructing Masculinity
Northwestern University is adding a second cohort to its six-week “dialogues” on “examining and deconstructing masculinity,” which are run by NÜ Men, a collaboration between its Social Justice Education unit and Center for Awareness, Response and Education, The Daily Northwestern reports. The assistant director of residence life, Dan Amato, credited “increased interest” for the addition of the second cohort. The program, which features “eight to 10 male-identifying students and two facilitators” in each dialogue, started in spring 2016 with a grant from the U.S. Justice Department.
Thanks, Tom Knighton, for providing yet another example of how our government uses our money to destroy our traditional values. After all, one cannot "fundamentally transform" the nation without first destroying those values...something the Communist Party of the United States understood all too well when it published its goals back in the 60s:
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks. (<1>Schaper, <2>Offering to Pray for Co-Worker and Saying 'Blessed' Not Allowed in Public Building)
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. (See Snowflakes Are Useful Idiots -- And Doomed et. al.)
Are we having fun yet?
Knighton also explains that university 'Bias Response Teams' exist primarily to quash the free speech rights of students. Charming.
The phrase "bias response team" stirs images of Orwellian jackboots stomping through college campuses. Let's be honest -- it's accurate. These "teams" exist primarily to quash the free speech rights of students. A new study finds the administrators of these teams simply can't balance their duties with that pesky old Constitution....and...
Unfortunately, you simply can't support free speech while still believing that people's words need to be policed. That's simply not how things work. People are either free to say horrible things, or they're not free at all.
Amen, brother.
Work Cited
- Adams, Mike: Grizzly Bigotry At The University of Montana
- Gockowski, Anthony: Socialist group calls for 'extermination' of capitalists
- Knighton, Tom: Northwestern University Continues Efforts To 'Deconstruct Masculinity'
- Knighton, Tom: Study Finds 'Bias Response Teams' Have Difficulty Balancing Duties and Free Speech
- Moran, Rick: Cambridge students receive 'trigger warnings' for Shakespeare plays
Background Reading
- Snowflakes Are Useful Idiots: Index (0-60)
- The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals (Annoted)
- Protect Yourself From The Evil Patriarchy With The Brand New "Portable Safe Space" Available From Just $79.95
- "If fascism comes to America, it will be through our college and university system."
- The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
@dragon40, Certified Curmudgeon "Madison believed that those who sought to restrict speech revealed themselves to be opponents of republicanism. They wished to prevent public opinion from cohering, thus making it easier to counterfeit."--Jay Cost | |
Relevance:Exposing the Double StandardCurated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
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This is selfie generation. The world literally revolves around them. They do not understand yet this is the thinking that will loose them their own rights.
That lack of understanding will also make many of them unemployable.