After publishing a long series (See "Snowflakes Are Useful Idiots: Index") exposing and demeaning America's idiotic snowflakes, you just know this article had to catch my eye.
Who Knew?
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There is no shame in giving up on this generation. Far better to contain their warped, exaggerated, hysterical view of the world so that it can do the least amount of damage to the adult world they will soon find themselves in.--Rick Moran |
Snowflakes resent being referred to as 'snowflakes'
Your daily schadenfreude today is a delicious mix of blissful ignorance and total obliviousness demonstrated by young people who show no signs of growing into adults anytime soon.
An insurance company conducted a survey and found that 72% of 16- to 24-year-olds don't like being referred to as "snowflakes." But the kicker from this survey is that 72% believe that being called a "snowflake" damages their mental health.
Oh. My. Goodness.--(Rick Moran, American Thinker)
My goodness! The poor, privileged, thoroughly indoctrinated morons passing for "students" these days are upset that the rest of the country sees them for exactly what they are: ignorant Marxist dupes - the Communist Party's useful idiots - and then has the temerity to make fun of them by branding them as snowflakes.
The Brutes!
I may cry.
Background Reading
- Professors Refer to Conservative Criticism as 'Violence
- Student Protesters: Defending the First Amendment Is ‘Violent’
- Snowflakes Are Useful Idiots: Index (0-60)
- The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals (Annoted)
- Protect Yourself From The Evil Patriarchy With The Brand New "Portable Safe Space" Available From Just $79.95
- "If fascism comes to America, it will be through our college and university system."
- The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult
It used to be that violence could be identified without nuance. Slapping someone? Violence. Insulting them? Not so much. However, today's leftists are trying to make the term "violence" as meaningless as "literally" is these days.
The First Amendment protects all kinds of speech. Yes, even hate speech, and it should. Why? Well, because if it didn’t, then the government would have the power to decide what did and did not qualify as “hate speech” — and the corresponding power to silence any speech that it deemed unacceptable.
@dragon40, Certified Curmudgeon "Government-controlled schooling is essential to achieving the goals of Socialism."--Karl Marx, Communist Menifesto | |
Define for me the word "snowflake" please.
You're welcome.
Thanks. So, it has nothing to do with age perse but there is correlation.
There is, and it has a lot to do with Marxist indoctrination of our young people, which reaches its inevitable conclusion in the rise of the snowflakes. Here is a perfect example of the price paid for this nonsense
I have been "indoctrinated", you might say. I used to be totally convinced of man-made global warming but I looked for the whispers of information among the screams and came to a distinct conclusion.
The Brutes!
I may cry.
There there...don't take it so hard. The poor random crystallized water vapor examples have had a hard life....they suffer SO bad.
I know...just the other day, Harvard made some of them actually take a test! The NERVE.
Will the torture never STOP?
Is there no end to the devastation?
It's the packy lipz of human kind!
Interesting post