And Now They’re Yellen That “There Ain’t Enough Money In The System”

in #news2 years ago


Ya think?

  • “On October 11th Janet Yellen said that “US Financial Markets Are Functioning Well,” and then the very next day, on October 12th, said this, “Yellen Worries Over Loss of ‘Adequate Liquidity’ in Treasuries.”
  • In Japan, government bonds have gone three days without any trading as they are in crisis.
  • The UK is near total collapse and losses in UK government bonds are near 80% - just in the last three months.
  • Meanwhile, Europe continues to be under massive attack from the WEF, NATO, and US terrorist organizations. And using horse manure to keep warm.”

These are extracts from just the first page of the TDV Newsletter that went out to subscribers today.

With the UN calling for worldwide price controls we could soon head into shortages in most things. As he points out, though, the market will usually find a way around most government controls.

Things are looking grim.


**What would make your personal situation better? **

And not only to survive but to actually profit in the current environment?

In this Issue, I talk about my outlook and own plan of action. Including which coins I am betting on to become worldwide heavily used currencies as fiat currencies collapse and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) track everything you do. Also, why the apparent “rug pull” on Equilibria (XEQ) this month might actually be a blessing in disguise.

Also in this Issue…

Ed Bugos gives his personal outlook for the Fed,
A rare spiritual opinion piece on Bitcoin from Mr. Z, and
How to get a safe haven from the war by TDV Offshore.


In an interview with TDV’s Luis Mises, the president of Liberland, Vít Jedlička, talks about the most recent developments in the freest country on earth - and how you can become a member of this community!

For TDV followers who for some reason choose not to subscribe to the TDV newsletter, these things will be the focus at Anarchapulco, coming up from February 5-10th. Tickets are now on sale and speakers, artists and events will all be announced in the next few weeks.

See you on the other side.



Money hungry printers are doing the same thing they always do, spend more for all their buddies. When will people learn the government is infinite corrupt.

Love it. Thank you for what you do Jeff