Wildfire Fundraiser Gets Squashed Due To Federal Cannabis Prohibition

in #news7 years ago

The wildfires in Northern California have already displaced thousands of people in the state. It's estimated that the fires have already destroyed over 8000+ buildings, including both homes and businesses in the area. Altogether, it's fueled over 1 billion in insured losses and taken the lives of at least 40+ people.

Among those businesses that have been lost, at least 34 cannabis farms are estimated to have been burned to the ground.

And after the businesses suffered the loss, with the farms being burned down, they sought to raise money online for repairs. The California Growers Association recently launched a crowdfunding campaign effort via YouCaring to try and help raise funds for farmers in California who have lost all they had.

However, after they had went on to raise tens of thousands from supporters, the site pulled the fundraiser entirely.

WePay was the one responsible for putting a stop to the payment and initiating a refund of donations, after they had already raised roughly $13,000 for their cause.

WePay says that they cannot process any payments related to the production and sale of cannabis, as federal prohibition is still in place despite California moving to embrace legalization. And under federal restrictions, they say that they are prohibited from carrying out that transaction, no matter how peaceful it might be.

They don't want to engage in money laundering.

There are a number of states that have already made the move to embrace legalization but federal rules are still in place and what those states are effectively doing is engaging in civil disobedience.

Those trying to raise funds were allegedly told that that they could raise funds and process payments for victims of the fire, but not for funding things like lost cannabis crops specifically, no "cannabis transactions" allowed. Though, WePay hasn't been very clear as to how the wildfire funds exactly constitute a cannabis transaction.

Those in support of the fundraiser have criticized the move by adding that nowhere was it stated that those funds were going to purchase and replace cannabis crops. Though, it might be easy to see how they might make such an inference.

The California Growers Association is now trying to raise funds directly through their websites, with the goal of trying to raise around $25k.

Others in the cannabis community in California have also signaled that they are in the middle of trying to establish a non-profit organization that will be able to try and help raise funds for the cannabis farmers and their families who have been hurt by recent wildfires.

Derek Watkins/via The New York Times
via WHNT
via Seton.com
via Reaction GIFs


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@doitvoluntarily It appears some at Steemit should be putting a proposal and invitation together for the California Growers Associate if they are not already on board here with the Steemit Blockchain.

Your post says they are "now trying to raise funds directly through their websites, with the goal of trying to raise around $25k." Sounds like they have the manpower to have some folks work the Steemit platform. ;)

Steemit is the answer to many problems. The problem that remains is getting Steemit in front of people so they too can see their options. @vickiebarker

I've tried to e-mail them to let them know of the alternative :)

This deserves some attention. Upvoted and resteemed...

I hope they get all they need

We need to find a better way to donate the cannabis growers maybe with crypto

Great content! Thanks for letting us know about this.

Once again, federal government gets in the way of the people exercising freedom of expression through fund raising.

Upvoted and resteemed.

That's a damn shame. Crypto-currencies will make donations easier and much more transparent

good post, waaah marijuana, our place also a lot of marijuana


I ran into a guy last nite at DQ with his family who is a top associate for the MM for Veterans / PTSD type stuff.

He was impressed I knew what his shirt and coat lettering meant etc --- I was impressed he was out promoting what he believes in with his family in the community like that.

I said I am always happy to see others promoting Liberty.

Have a good night my man. I am heading offline.

I think the firemans had a little fun when the canabis burned :))

Is a little sad that in these days because they have some fuked up rules, people who want to help, can't help.

So let's keep the rules up for order, by letting others to get down, because you know... is order now :))

What the fuck is wrong with them ? :)) ( srry for my language) :D

Thank You!

This is so ridiculous. Cannabis is medication to some people, how can we be so blind to not see that these farms going up in flames is a big deal to the health of many people. It is time to end this war on cannabis and remove it from the classification of a drug.