Highest Wildfire Cost in California History?

in #newslast month

The recent fires in California are estimated to cost some $20 billion to just insurers and it is allegedly said to be the highest that has been seen in the state.

That isn't the only cost though, some estimates place it much higher at somewhere around $250 billion overall.

It's also been reported that a variety of those who left won't be looking to come back either. Some might not even be allowed back in their properties yet.

Thousands of home owners were unfortunately dropped by their insurance before the fires, impacting over 1k policies across the region.

Thousands of acres have been impacted by the fires and thousands of homes taken too. As far as initial recovery it looks like the federal gov might foot the bill, but the situation has sparked a number of conversations about fire department budgets and preparedness for the situation too. Hopefully something can be learned from the situation so that similar mistakes don't happen in the future, there are also going to be investigations into what was going on with things like the water supply too. This comes after widespread circulation about rumors that hydrants were allegedly empty and unavailable for fire fighters to use.
