At the risk of seeming like I am defending Trump, and at the risk of offending many people and causing them the pain of cognitive dissonance, I present here some uncommon sense. Its not that I want to defend Trump. I really don't. It doesn't help me make friends. But the mainstream media is presenting amazing examples of their trickery in their battle against him, and I cant ignore opportunities to share the occult nature of mass media, as I believe it to be the most dangerous force to consciousness ever known to man.
So how did we get here, with this "Trump mania"?
People really don't reflect on the power of mass media, usually, because they are too busy being indoctrinated by it, but those few that do, that go deep enough into it, realize how vile and manipulating it really is.
Donald Trump is 72 years old. There was no mass media hatred of Trump for 68 of those years, the years he wasn't running for president against their chosen one, Killary Clinton. This man has gotten many awards from African American organizations for various reasons. He has mingled and made friends celebrities of all races for decades.
He was friends with Oprah Winfrey who nearly 30 years ago had him on her show while she asked him if he would ever run for President, and it was a serious question. Here is a clip.
Ive seen him on not just African American TV shows, but conscious ones like The Jeffersons and Fresh Prince where he played himself, as an African Americans idol.
He has been on kids movies as himself, like Home Alone 2 and The Little Rascals.
Think about it.
Does any of the above fit the caricature we have of him today, of a hateful racist? Would Hollywood go out of their way to put what they virtually all agree to be a hateful racist, on kids shows, on conscious African American programs?
And what about this?...
One day my timeline was flooded with the term "shithole countries", and there were news clips galore, of people enraged that Trump referred to a country as a shithole. Then it turned into an attack on "African countries". It was played for days all over mainstream media. Here is an example...
Notice that this video begins with "The president is teaching little kids a new word". How is that even possible when I just watched these media devils say the word all day, and never heard Trumps voice utter the words once? Think about that. Who is responsible for the shithole debacle? Whi is truly putting shit in little kids ears?
The source for the shithole comment was literally "people familiar with the meeting", not even a person in the meeting.
Here is the article that started it all. There is no one named, just "people familiar" with the closed door meeting.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
~ Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Defense Minister
Now just think about this. There is no proof he actually said it. Some say he did, some say he didnt. But the way the mainstream media covered it, with constant emotional repetition, as irrefutable fact, they incited mass hatred, to the point that Haitian officials demanded apologies. In other words, the American "news" networks, for the sake of a rumor, committed a treasonous act by pushing a narrative with no proof.
But havent you noticed that its normal now? Its normal that "news" can be mere accusation and speculation, and depending on how you present it, it becomes fact to the people. Repeat "Russia collusion" enough and people believe it is true, even if they dont know what it means, because really, what does it mean?
I once walked into a diner and sat down to eat, the mood was steady for a while, until someone put CNN on and they were covering Trump, next thing I see is the mass mood change in the diner. I see peoples faces turn, some begin quarreling, and in my amazement, no one turned it off.
Who is really more responsible for dividing America, Trump or CNN in this case?
I look at it like this...
Mainstream mass media has been the hidden left hand of government for decades. We are not where we are today, with decades of deteriorating and dumbed down state education creating generation that has little skills to make it in this country because of Trump. Its because of those who have been in control of legacy media and education, who clearly are anti-American. They seeks to disillusion Americans and the rest of the world toward American culture, and the attempt to "make it great again".
All of the wars we started were sold to us via these same entities who attack Trump incessantly. They have made presidents, and hidden candidates, colluded with the CIA (this is actually admitted) to propagandize us.
Again, Im not here to tell you what to believe, to tell you to support Trump, but instead to understand how media mind control works.
This man has spent his whole life in the spotlight, went from media darling to the most hated man in the world in no time. And it was all done with Hollywood culture and mass media repetition of, at best, highly questionable allegations, opinions, and out of context clips, but all ingeniously presented with Liberal Artistry to a nation of state indoctrinated dumbed down Americans.
Study The Trivium!
Aside from reading and basic math, this is all of the education one needs. It is more useful today than ever before. Being proficient, or even just familiar, with the Classical Liberal Arts will help you become a bullshit spotter. Its like your condom when fucking around with Hollywood and "news" media. It will enliven your critical faculties with sound logic in order to shield you from clever emotional bullshit that seeks to write on to your subconscious. You will begin to see propaganda everywhere. You will become a walking lie detector.
I suggest this book, as it is very easy to ingest and has plenty of visuals to help bind the knowledge.
I also have a massive digital collection here with study materials...

Mainstream media, pop culture and Hollywood are full of rhetorical witchery. They are full of fallacy, but virtually all Americans are ignorant of the techniques.
With love,