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RE: SYRIA | Blackwater, White Helmets

in #news6 years ago

Very interesting thanks for sharing, I will need to look more into this. As with everything we need to dig deeper and try to see more into whats really going on and if there is more to this story that we do not know yet. If the mainstream WSJ is reporting this, than its for a specific reason. Hopefully there is some 4th dimensional chess going on!


Hey, thanks. Yes, there is a lot more going on than the msm lead us to believe. Its been going on for years but only now, thanks to the internet, people are starting to understand what is really going on.

Yes definitely, I think a lot of these false flags even a few years ago would have happened with out too much backlash. But now the masses are seeing through this BS and not taking it and not standing for it.

Whats sad is that this deep state keeps doing almost the same style/type of false flag every time, they either think that we are all really stupid or just don't care anymore. Either way all this will come to an end very soon I have a feeling.