Yahoo Is Now Open About The Use of Content In Your Email

in #news7 years ago

Yahoo is now part of Oath, the media and tech company behind today’s top news, sports and entertainment sites and apps.
By choosing “I accept” below, you agree to Oath’s new Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Below is a summary of some of the key updates. To learn more about our approach to privacy, click here.
How we collect and use data.
We’ve updated some of the ways we collect and analyze user data in order to deliver services, content, relevant advertising and abuse protection.
This includes: analyzing content and information when you use our services (including emails, instant messages, posts, photos, attachments, and other communications), linking your activity on other sites and apps with information we have about you, and providing anonymized and/or aggregated reports to other parties regarding user trends.
Sharing Data with Verizon.
Oath and its affiliates may share the information we receive with Verizon. Learn more about Verizon’s privacy practices.

So I need to think about this, but my Yahoo account is very important. I switched from Gmail to Yahoo, because of this reason. It seems that there is no escape from big corporations "keeping an eye on us" and selling our thought patterns and private email correspondence. I guess it is time for a pay-for-service private email account.


As long as big businesses have the exact same rights as human beings and there are no limits on how much you can donate to an election campaign, we're screwed!

Seems the once open freedom we had is now closing in on us...

LOL. How many times have I offered to set up a free email account for you, Derek??

Maybe, I need to start selling secure email accounts.