Robert David Steele - War, Peace, insults AMA

in #news7 years ago

I reached out to Robert for an interview last night to see how things where going. I got a lot of things I couldn't ask or talk about and his answers to the questiosn were the same old sauce without any metal. To top it off he insulted my platform and entire following so I had to blow this guy out. I mean I have really gone out of my way to help get his message out but this draws the line. We won't be interviewing Robert anymore on this channel period.


"(Cough)Steemit", love it!

He's not hearing you man. He keeps talking about decentralization and open source everything but can't see that the tools already exist.

Shamelessly plugging himself - "nobel peace prize...blah blah" "make a donation", "buy my book on amazon"...

I would like to see McAfee and RDH eat their own dicks, lol!

RDH is a clown and disinfo agent.

" can't see that the tools already exist."

BOY, I'm glad YOU caught that... I've been waiting to hear it from someone else for a while.
I think the biggest problem we're all dealing with is that people who think they should be in charge are BLIND to the actual solutions. And I'm tired of people trying to sell BS. The Dickening continues...


Well its around now we will see how it goes

No details from this cat
No time for riddles
Kiddies to fiddle
Wearing many hats
No doubt it's a
Limited hangout
Got his pitch down pat
Crypto doubles
Bitcoin bubbles
Don't know shit 'bout that
Never nominated
Just recommended
By his own staff
For a Nobel plaque
People collection and
Controlled opposition
Nobody got time for that

I am curious about the topics in this interview and I would like to ask you about this here. I have just been setting up here so I haven't written anything yet. The reason I came here was to leave the YouTube echo chamber behind and hopefully get a new source for the topics not always covered by the mainstream and butchered by the truthers. I think I have noticed a pattern in the activities of the content and interviews you are creating.

I have seen the truth movement and conspiracy culture mutate since pre YouTube into what it is now. I was inside of it for a long time and you notice the same cycles and stories repackaged as the new threat, narrative or the solution. I was not able to see it for the years I was in deep but eventually I managed to get back my own thoughts.

The actions you are playing out seem to be a tactic that I have witnessed before. Either to inject a new character into a particular topic to promote their new platform or it is used to divide a movement that may be going somewhere (or maybe not) either way the results are the same

What happens is the groups of people following the particular topic of the month and characters / channels who are 'reporting' on said topic split into two groups or more who then mould the narrative into opposing the other groups narrative and the original 'movement' is lost.

I am asking you personally to explain the choices for interviews and topics to cover you have made with your channel. The David Seaman interview was not the most unbiased interview I've seen. There are lots of old unanswered questions about his suspicious behaviour regarding donations etc which I can understand leaving out if the purpose of the interview wasn't to touch on "pizzagate".

This new interview with Robert David Steele was obviously intended to go into the harsh questioning style with the tone set almost from the start. So what is going on? The selective and dubious topics that don't have conclusions and definitive answers as to what you personally believe about the topics like pizzagate, Q Anon, Trump... Someone who has the skills and knowledge of computers and also the government's use of this technology surely must know better than to think that Trump is anything but the person described in the posts by Q. The real backers of Trump who bought up the alternative media and made it pro Trump? The deliberate attempt to label Trump as not a Zionist in the interview alone is something that can be proven false so why allow that question to go past but argue about crypto currency?

Sorry for a long reply. I am not here to criticise people in particular but I am here to question the truth movement and hope to help others not get trapped inside something that is not a healthy place to live. If you are going to question whether someone's intentions are good, and I think this interview did that, you seem to pick and choose the statements to criticise when allowing others to pass through which gives them validity.

As you said "Sometimes you say things that make me wonder..."

I heard that the etiquette is to reply personally rather than just write about something without addressing an issue with the person first. I am just trying to find out if you are doing what you think is good for truth or not. Something I will be attempting to write about concerning the current truth movement.

These are VERY good observations. I think the interview was important and necessary. There was WAYYY more to the story behind RDS and @defango and I think it needed to get to this level of contention in order for the truth to come out.

The Truth? Is that we're in a mess of Propaganda and Misunderstanding.

@defango very tactfully demonstrated that he's NOT buying RDS's "Solutions."

In the end, this was @defango's show and his interview, and he is free to run it however he likes so I'm glad he stood up for himself and closed the channel with RDS. He's had nothing but problems since opening up to RDS and it's been compounded lately as there is another group of "Truthers" out there ACTIVELY harassing him for this work. Ultimately, SteemIt will provide a better "Echo Chamber" for these types of discussions so thank you for your observations and sharing them here.

I can see that the interview is intended to cut ties and say "I'm not going along with the lies anymore" but after I posted the reply here I went to see what was forming in the 'echo chamber' and I was surprised to see Lift The Veil reporting on the interview.

Firstly I thought he was just impressed by Defango telling RDS how wrong he was about crypto but then Defango calls in to the channel he labeled Lift The Fail... The amount of flip flops in the space of two videos is crazy. I am being told that @defango wants to be left alone and not involved with this but I'm seeing the exact opposite where Defango calls a channel that he, according to LTV, allegedly had taken down, to talk about Robert David Steele being an operator then backtracked with flip flop statements that aren't definitive leaving the viewer to interpret depending on what they believe themselves (a tactic? Is it really the best way to make a clean break?). The other thing that was mentioned was deleting comments etc and basically working for RDS which is something that needs fleshing out to either explain away as something innocent or deliberate disinfo work. This may not be as vital given the amount of times Defango claims he talks to insiders.

Now I asked about the possibility of tactics being used to make followers of truthers split, join and fight between themselves. Then next minute LTV now has Defango on his channel bringing the following of both back together for the most part. If 'season 02' is a rebranding attempt at leaving the truth movement behind it kicked off with the opposite intent.

I am disappointed that LTV was quick to reverse his opinion on the Q Anon and Defango situation, not because I share the same view but because it is another example of what so called truther channels do. He wanted to be part of the in crowd again and sold out over crypto despite even mentioning the Trump Zionist connection before the phone in.

The only thing that I am questioning here is the direction Defango says he wants to take his channel in (Go back to the puzzles? Leave the truthers?) and the actual direction he takes with the above mentioned activities happening within an hour of each other.

There's a lot more aspects of the 'echo chamber' I want to explore myself with this platform but it seems that the characters who are involved with the current narrative are also on steemit.

Again I am questioning the things I have seen before used almost as if it was scripted. I guess I don't have to have a response it's not my in intent to police anything. I just don't see any opposing views or opinions expressed to these channels that are not just 'SHILL!' and I have seen some pretty obscure channels that have their fair share of shill videos thrown at them. Thanks for your response @frankbacon I appreciate the input I just don't think I have the right explanation from Defango to be satisfied with actions that I admit I could be interpreting the wrong way.

good work @defango

Very good News. .

nice post dear

Did you notice the giant rat above the fireplace? Duping delight.

Also, not sure where you heard that McAfee has $15 million in STEEM (probably @frankbacon) but I don't believe that to be true. The last thing I heard about John McAfee and steemit is in the following blog:

I Called John McAfee & He Won't Join Steemit Because Of This Flaw...

Lol well 500k, he might have to eat his own dick

I Doubt it...


I never said $15 Mil... I was referencing the same article @fulltimegeek.

"In fact, the gentleman that I was looking at acquiring has about $600,000 in [Steem Power]. You just can't get it out. There's no liquidity."

Of course "getting it out" isn't a problem for @dan so I don't know WTF he's talking about. Just another "Big Wig" that really doesn't know as much as they think they do.