TickerBar Shows News Ticker Above Your Browser And Pays You For Having Computer On And For Referrals

in #news8 years ago (edited)

I found a website that will provide a news ticker at the top of your browser for free and pay you for having your computer on and for referrals. Membership is free. The website is TickerBar.  

After you join and download the TickerBar click a green icon in the lower right corner of your PC. The TickerBar will appear at the top of your browser with a small banner. Log in to the TickerBar website and click MyOptions at the top of the screen. Then select the News Categories you're interested in. 

The News Categories are : 




 International Sport

 Life Style







 Stocks & Shares



 UK Sports


Click Update My News Prefs to set your news preferences. Current events in the news will start scrolling across the top of your browser. The TickerBar and the small banner do not take up much space. The scrolling news titles change frequently. 

You can send your TickerBar download file to your friends to earn money from referrals. You will earn money for six levels of referrals. You can also advertise your TickerBar referral link. You have to be 13 years old to join and you have to get permission from your parents if you are under the age of 18. 

You can right click the news ticker and click refresh. The TickerBar is available worldwide. Payments are made in US dollars. 

You can earn as much as $10,000 a month with a lot of referrals. Click MyAccount at the top of the screen in the members area to see your earnings and referral information.

You can have the TickerBar running on more than one computer but you will not be able to accumulate more than 24 hours of online time in one day. TickerBar has been online for several years. 

Join TickerBar Free And Start Earning Money Now



Rule of thumb. I'm not signing up on a referral link when the glorious post about how I could make thousands of dollars with lots of referrals does not explain how much this would earn me with no referrals. Bottom line is that referrals do not stick around if they are unable to make money without referrals of their own, and for everyone to have referrals would mean the entire world was plugged into this.

There are opportunities online that pay people for idle computer time. The more referrals those people have the more they earn. This TickerBar opportunity pays people for 6 levels of referrals which means they are getting paid for referrals of referrals for 6 levels. This is similar to an idle computer time opportunity because you can have it on more than one computer and you get paid for having the TickerBar on your computer and on more than one computer. It does have potential. You would be earning for having the TickerBar on and for referrals whether you were looking at the TickerBar or not and for your referrals even when you were not using the TickerBar. I was not trying to persuade you to join by this post. I do think it is a good opportunity and a good passive income opportunity.

I know what 6 levels of referrals mean. You still never told me how much I can expect to earn by running it with no referrals in the post or reply, you just left it as click the link to read more. The problem is you are pitching this program rather than being real about it. How is it working for you, what will I expect realistically joining it because well..... if we could all have so many referrals we would need a cloning machine in no time. I clicked the page. With no referrals I can readily make more money with other programs hown in r/beermoney. Programs from companies with more etablished reputations and website layouts that don't resemble that cheap template you see when you mistype a URL and are lead to another site.

I was not trying to promote the program. I think it is a good passive income opportunity. Writers would probably like to see news tickers sometimes. It could help writers blog. A lot of opportunities depend on referrals for earnings. TickerBar has been online for many years and that is a sign that it is a good opportunity.